Cannot enter GECKO and the military base

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First time out of the vault
Hi guys!

I need help badly!
I am playing Fallout 2 for the last few days,I am simply addicted.but I have a strange problem.

When I want to travel to GECKO or That military base(forgot the name LOL) I get a error sound,and my screen goes black,it only happens when I click on the triangle. And for now it happens only at those two places. Happened before randomly...once in 3-4 hours.

But I restarted my computer and it went fine then.
However,this time it is always the matter what I do it always breaks down when trying to enter gecko or the military base.

I read the sticky but it doesnt mention anything about this,it mentions only black screens when starting fallout...
I think it was intentional, Su.

Also, go read the stickies. Try to reinstall the game, as the case seems to be corrupt files. Try if the MASTER.DAT file can be copied from the CD. Obtain a new CD from your retailer, if it's broken.

Locked for pointlessness, lack of information and excessive potential for spam.
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