Cant Acces Game-Files after patching to 1.05


First time out of the vault
First i am sorry if my english aint that good, it just aint my mothers tongue...

Saw some screens from FO3 that other Day and found myself searching through my games-shelf, reinstalling FO2^^

No I justed downloaded the patch from here and installed it (copied the files into the games folder) and get this really wierd error since then when trying to start the game or deleting any of the copied files: You dont have acces to this file (at least this is how i would translate it^^)

I tried some other Programs to delete the files but nothing seems to work. When i unpack the archieve on my desktop i can acces the files jst fine (i.e. open the readme) but not in my FO-folder.
Also wierd: one of the two readme files in the archieve, the one without 1.05 in it just opens fine...

Hope one of you guys can help me


Edit: Sorry for posting in the wrong Forum, just thought it was a technical issue, why not post there...
I get this really weird error when people post in the wrong forums.