Can't drive car to San Francisco


First time out of the vault
It is on my map, but I can't drive there. I can drive to Navarro and walk from there and the car arrives with us. Later, I tried to drive back to Navarro and I can't do that either. I end up in the desert. I have driven to other towns with no problem. How do I drive to these two?
Can you drive to the city, but not enter it, or do you get "ejected" to the desert (w/o the car) on your way there?
I end up partway there. When I tried to drive to Navarro from San Francisco, the triangle ended up straight north and stopped at the water of the bay. When I tried to drive to SF from Navarro, I ended up in the desert, with the car but only about 1/4 of the way there. If I walk from there, the car travels with me.

Strange things are happening. I could drive to Redding once and then back to SF, but then tried it again and the destination was SF rather than Redding. Can't go to Redding now. I just discovered the Military Base by walking and am able to drive there. I finally walked to Navarro but seemed to come across a lot more battles than before. I am near the end of the game so it really isn't going to be a big problem. I got to meet the guy at the bridge when walking and that was interesting.
I finally figured out what my problem was---you can't drive over water. I guess I was expecting the car to teleport. Instead I needed to find an angle to Navarro or SF that would not cross water. It took a few short hops to effect.
The game is a bit odd about how it handles water. You can get stuck on the edge and have to move back away from it to go anywhere. As you discovered, it makes no attempt at pathfinding to find a way around obstacles.