Can't Get Mapper to Work!


First time out of the vault
Configured the proper paths, installed the high resolution patch, removed city limit, etc.

When it starts, my screen goes black except for what appears to be the Mapper window condensed into the top left corner. When I move my cursor around, the shapes and colors in that corner change.

I've spent a couple hours Googling and trying different things. What am I missing?
Had the same problem a while ago- appeard after I upgraded my graphic card to a GeForce GTX970. Pretty sure it's related to the graphic driver, because some time later (no idea when exactly) it suddenly worked again.

So yeah. No idea how to fix this, no idea what exactly is causing this. You can only try to change your graphic drivers or toy around with the high res patch (graphic mode, etc) and see what happens.
did you try different compatibility? Im running it in Win xp.
I remember Mapper wouldn't run for me either (win7)
I figured it out! It was the DSR settings in the NVIDIA control panel:

3D Settings -> Manage 3D Settings -> Global Settings -> DSR - Factors -> (uncheck all options)

Thanks to Lexx for the inspiration to look there!