can't talk to marcus


First time out of the vault
I'm experiencing a glitch wherin I can't talk to Marcus at all, when I click talk on him nothing happens. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help!!
Sure. We get that all the time!

Seriously, though, could you be more specific?

Which version of Fallout 2 are you running? Are you using the patch?

What have you done in Broken Hills so far? Have you recruited Marcus? Have you attacked him? Do you have a guess what might have caused the glitch?

Finally, were you able to repeat the bug or was it a one-time incident? What about earlier saves or a new game?
Here's the situation

Good to hear.
I'm playing fallout 2 1.00 without any patch.
I can still talk to him in previous save games.
I am currently in vault 15.
I believe the glitch must have occurred some time after I talked down the suicide bomber policeman in NCR.
Thanks for the help by the way.
How about this idea...patch the game?

Really, that's the purpose of the stickies, so we're not playing Twenty Questions with everyone who raises their hand and says the game is broken like the average Interplay/Bethesda/BioWare QA lackey hired with doughnuts.
On saved games?

Yes, but my impression was that the patch would only apply to new games, not saved games. Is this incorrect?
Also, you will need to use the savegame converter.

But, for fuck's sake man, go do something on your own. All of that information is easily found on this website.
patch didn't work

So, I've applied the patch, converted the save games. The game loads, the problem persists.
Re: patch didn't work

ziggy said:
So, I've applied the patch, converted the save games. The game loads, the problem persists.

Well, yeah, after the bugged game probably corrupted the save, the patch won't fix that. Instead, it looks like you'll have to try an earlier save before the bug got saved into the savegame, but use the patched game.
alright, thanks for the advice. I'll try to be a little more resourceful with my problems in the future.