First time out of the vault

(This story goes under the pretense that the Lone Wanderer deactivates the atomic bomb in Megaton, retrieves Ian West and convinces the Family to protect Arefu, saves Brian Wilks and Grayditch, fixes the GNR radio signal, helps Moira Brown complete the Wasteland Survival Guide [Positive edition], help move the slaves from the Temple of the Union into the Lincoln Memorial, save Reilly's Rangers, finds Dogmeat, saves Fawkes, save Big Town by teaching them how to shoot, returns to Vault 101 and makes Amata Overseer, and purifiers the Project Purity without the FEV. Also, the Lone Wanderer dies in the activation of Project Purity.)
The Lone Wanderer had walked out of the spotlight in the Capital Wasteland. Shortly after the launch of Project Purity, the Brotherhood took on an offensive role against the Enclave, leading to the battle of Adams Air Force Base, resulting in the loss of Liberty Prime, Lyon's pride, and 75% of the Brotherhood's fighting force. However, the Enclave remain largely in control of the Air Base, despite the loss of the mobile base crawler. The Brotherhood's loss led to the suicide of Elder Lyon's, and the ascension of Scribe Rothchild as the new Elder. In early 2278, Elder Rothchild changed Brotherhood Policy support isolation of the Citadel. Brotherhood outposts and missions all across DC and the rest of the Capital Wasteland were recalled.
Scribe Bigsley, head of Project Purity, left the Brotherhood in favor of leading Project Purity. An unexpected move, considering his obvious hatred of his job. The Brotherhood was happy to exile him.
Without the Brotherhood's leadership in free distribution of water, Rivet City took over the operation and was forced to sell the water at a discount price. Megaton, Underworld, and the Temple of the Union all offered assistance in maintaining the water trade.
Another result of the Brotherhood's withdrawal, was increased fighting throughout downtown DC. Three Dog was forced to hire the Regulators to conduct security. This was largely funded by Rivet City.
Caravan routes through the national mall became major targets for raiders and super mutant attacks. Large convoys of volunteers from all over the wastes would lead expeditions through the DC ruins. This led to an all-out assault on the Capitol Building, with Sonora Cruz of the Regulators, and Harkness of the Rivet City Security, claiming victory.
Free and secure routes through the national mall prompted scavengers, traders, pilgrims, and tourists from all around. The Canterbury Commons Caravans began to add routes through the mall.
The increased presence in DC led to a convention at the Capitol Building, to be attended by Representatives from the factions around DC. Bannon, Harkness, Danvers, Bigsley and Rhinehurst of Rivet City, Hannibal Hamlin and Simone Cameron of the Lincoln Memorial, Three Dog from GNR, Sonora Cruz of the Regulators, Uncle Roe from Canterbury Commons, and Winthrop and Fawkes from the Underworld. This convention would later be called "The First Capitol Congress". This convention addressed the many needs, and influences of the factions now invested in the National Mall. By the end, Uncle Roe agreed to relocate the Caravan headquarters into the National Mall. Sonora Cruz agreed to take up security throughout DC, which led to the hiring of Reilly's Rangers.
Rivet City agreed to provide shelter and conduct the security for the outgoing caravans. All members of the Congress recognized the Underworld and Temple of the Union as the legitimate proprietors of the National Mall. Three Dog managed to include his compound as a part of the National Mall agreement.
In the wake of these mutual agreements, raiders from across the wastes increased their activities; harassing trade routes and attacking several positions through the various metro stations. This tested the stability of the newly established security forces, and called for Second Capitol Congress that gave the OK for a counter-offensive that would ensure their security. Harkness, Danvers, Cruz, and Reilly led coalition forces in 4 directions, securing every metro station, and every building from L'enfant to Anacostia.
This victory called the Second Congress back into session for the formation of a Federation.
In late 2278, the Congress announced the formation of the District of Columbia Republic (DCR). It first established the Capitol Congress: Harkness, Reilly, Hannibal Hamlin, Bannon, Seagrave Holmes, Winthrop, Uncle Roe, Ryan Brigg, Doctor Lesko, Doctor Bigsley, Doctor Rhinehurst.
Army of the DCR, led by Colonel Harkness, Captain Lana Danvers, and Captain Sonora Cruz, with 2 Battalions at that time.
Capitol Caravan, a Government Corporation comprised of the merging of Uncle Roe’s caravan and the water caravans from Project Purity.
Capitol Preservation Society, an expanded version of Abraham Washington’s in Rivet City that could supervise the preservation of pre-war artifacts all over DC now. Directed by Abraham Washington.
Capitol Science Foundation, the merging of the Museum of Technology, Rivet City Science lab, and Project Purity. Directed by Doctor Rhinehurst.
Lucky Harith’s caravan and Flak and Shrapnel merge to become Harith Ordnance, operating out of Alexandria Arms. Crows and Doc Hoff’s caravan’s merge with Cindy Cantelli, Bannon, and the Capitol Caravan.
The DCR's first policy was to institute a currency. Pre-war Money. Of course, the project would take time, but a new trading post was established in Megaton to trade caps for pre-war money. By 2280, the DCR Trade Committee reports that there are $67,477 pre-war money circulating in downtown DC.
The Lone Wanderer had walked out of the spotlight in the Capital Wasteland. Shortly after the launch of Project Purity, the Brotherhood took on an offensive role against the Enclave, leading to the battle of Adams Air Force Base, resulting in the loss of Liberty Prime, Lyon's pride, and 75% of the Brotherhood's fighting force. However, the Enclave remain largely in control of the Air Base, despite the loss of the mobile base crawler. The Brotherhood's loss led to the suicide of Elder Lyon's, and the ascension of Scribe Rothchild as the new Elder. In early 2278, Elder Rothchild changed Brotherhood Policy support isolation of the Citadel. Brotherhood outposts and missions all across DC and the rest of the Capital Wasteland were recalled.
Scribe Bigsley, head of Project Purity, left the Brotherhood in favor of leading Project Purity. An unexpected move, considering his obvious hatred of his job. The Brotherhood was happy to exile him.
Without the Brotherhood's leadership in free distribution of water, Rivet City took over the operation and was forced to sell the water at a discount price. Megaton, Underworld, and the Temple of the Union all offered assistance in maintaining the water trade.
Another result of the Brotherhood's withdrawal, was increased fighting throughout downtown DC. Three Dog was forced to hire the Regulators to conduct security. This was largely funded by Rivet City.
Caravan routes through the national mall became major targets for raiders and super mutant attacks. Large convoys of volunteers from all over the wastes would lead expeditions through the DC ruins. This led to an all-out assault on the Capitol Building, with Sonora Cruz of the Regulators, and Harkness of the Rivet City Security, claiming victory.
Free and secure routes through the national mall prompted scavengers, traders, pilgrims, and tourists from all around. The Canterbury Commons Caravans began to add routes through the mall.
The increased presence in DC led to a convention at the Capitol Building, to be attended by Representatives from the factions around DC. Bannon, Harkness, Danvers, Bigsley and Rhinehurst of Rivet City, Hannibal Hamlin and Simone Cameron of the Lincoln Memorial, Three Dog from GNR, Sonora Cruz of the Regulators, Uncle Roe from Canterbury Commons, and Winthrop and Fawkes from the Underworld. This convention would later be called "The First Capitol Congress". This convention addressed the many needs, and influences of the factions now invested in the National Mall. By the end, Uncle Roe agreed to relocate the Caravan headquarters into the National Mall. Sonora Cruz agreed to take up security throughout DC, which led to the hiring of Reilly's Rangers.
Rivet City agreed to provide shelter and conduct the security for the outgoing caravans. All members of the Congress recognized the Underworld and Temple of the Union as the legitimate proprietors of the National Mall. Three Dog managed to include his compound as a part of the National Mall agreement.
In the wake of these mutual agreements, raiders from across the wastes increased their activities; harassing trade routes and attacking several positions through the various metro stations. This tested the stability of the newly established security forces, and called for Second Capitol Congress that gave the OK for a counter-offensive that would ensure their security. Harkness, Danvers, Cruz, and Reilly led coalition forces in 4 directions, securing every metro station, and every building from L'enfant to Anacostia.
This victory called the Second Congress back into session for the formation of a Federation.
In late 2278, the Congress announced the formation of the District of Columbia Republic (DCR). It first established the Capitol Congress: Harkness, Reilly, Hannibal Hamlin, Bannon, Seagrave Holmes, Winthrop, Uncle Roe, Ryan Brigg, Doctor Lesko, Doctor Bigsley, Doctor Rhinehurst.
Army of the DCR, led by Colonel Harkness, Captain Lana Danvers, and Captain Sonora Cruz, with 2 Battalions at that time.
Capitol Caravan, a Government Corporation comprised of the merging of Uncle Roe’s caravan and the water caravans from Project Purity.
Capitol Preservation Society, an expanded version of Abraham Washington’s in Rivet City that could supervise the preservation of pre-war artifacts all over DC now. Directed by Abraham Washington.
Capitol Science Foundation, the merging of the Museum of Technology, Rivet City Science lab, and Project Purity. Directed by Doctor Rhinehurst.
Lucky Harith’s caravan and Flak and Shrapnel merge to become Harith Ordnance, operating out of Alexandria Arms. Crows and Doc Hoff’s caravan’s merge with Cindy Cantelli, Bannon, and the Capitol Caravan.
The DCR's first policy was to institute a currency. Pre-war Money. Of course, the project would take time, but a new trading post was established in Megaton to trade caps for pre-war money. By 2280, the DCR Trade Committee reports that there are $67,477 pre-war money circulating in downtown DC.