car energy level


Vault Senior Citizen
any metarule that returns that?i looked but none listed in define or command,but i know not all are listed

there's a metarule for giving the car gas.. so you could set it to whatever you want, but I've no idea if there's a rule to check how much it's got.

it might work like the weapons, but you only see the "ammo" count in the inventory..

there must be something in there so that it
A) knows if it's empty so you can't "use" it when empty.
B) knows how many cells to take off you when you refuel it.
the car body script has the code to refuel the car,i added "paint job" code to megamod,problem is that the new car bodies with the different paint doesnt show the amount of fuel in the car when using the binoculars,want to fix that

ColJack said:
there's a metarule for giving the car gas.. so you could set it to whatever you want, but I've no idea if there's a rule to check how much it's got.

it might work like the weapons, but you only see the "ammo" count in the inventory..

there must be something in there so that it
A) knows if it's empty so you can't "use" it when empty.
B) knows how many cells to take off you when you refuel it.

hey coljack are you making a comeback in the modding comunitie? it sure does look like that :p
nope, just playing through 2 again for a few weeks / months..

I'm offering what advise I can where I can while I'm arround..
unless it's different in the new game scripts, all i see in there is..

stop you using the car if it's stolen ( ie in the chop shop ), the guy isn't dead, and can see you ( attacks )

stops you using it if you haven't fixed it yet.

gets smitty to run out yelling if you try and install the fuel cell controller yourself ( if smitty is still alive ) or makes a skill roll for repairing it if he's dead..

tells you reapiring that doesn't work if you don't know the part you need and you try to repair it..

I don't see anything about using fuel cells with the car ( these are the "official" scripts that came with the mapper mind, so might be pre-release before they had to refuel it.. )

so bearing that in mind there must be a variable that is added or subtracted from when you add fuel and is checked when you try and use the car to see if it's out of fuel.. ( and again if you look at it.. )?

if you have a different code than I have, feel free to post it and I'll cast an untrained eye over it if I can..
if you are simply replacing the artwork then are you changing to a different PID or are you just changing the FID of the car's PID?

the fuel look thing might be hardcoded to the car's PID?
it is hardcoded,thats why i asked the question,in the mini mod i wrote i added 2 other car bodies(diferent paint jobs),and the engine doesnt show the fuel level when using the binoculars,i will prolly have to ask timeslip(ive asked for lots of features in sfall tho),thanks for trying

nothing you can try by using the "car out of fuel" metarule3? ( 110 )

does it only return a true or false from that?

do a script that calls it and posts it's value as part of a message when activated? possibly?

as said though, if you're actually adding the new bodies as differens scenery PID's then the engine will treat them as just regular scenery, it might be looking for a specific PID..
if you only need the one active car and you can just script it to change the artwork but not the PID..

try it by editing the proto artwork to a bookcase or something in the mapper?
its used for create/delete car on maps

edit : when i started writting the mod my plan was to use a metarule that does exactly that,change the art without the pid,but the metarule was written specificaly for critters,had all kinda of funky results,not sure if it is possible to change a scenery art with scripting,i will look into it

you could make the new car a critter..

have it take "damage" as it moves then use energy cells to "heal" it? :)
you could then have it scripted that when you use it it hides the party, then animates driving off the map.. :)