Car unaccesible


First time out of the vault
Hi I've got a problem with the car, I run out of fuel just when I got to the Broken Hill square, so now the 'car out of fuel' spot appears on the map in the middle of Broken Hill, and I can't find a way to get to it I've got quite a lot of stuff in the trunk, including quest objects. Does anyone know how to solve this problem without reverting to an older save which in my case goes way back ? thanks
If you're only concerned with keeping the car, you can load your current save, go to the world map, substitute the location file from your previous save that has the car in it, pop into that location, drive off, save, and then substitute your current version of that location file back in. This means you lose any stuff you put in the trunk recently, though.
You will have a number of data/savegame/slotXX save folders, which may be in your game folder or somewhere completely different if your OS is messed up (Vista). Each folder has a number of .sav files, each of which holds a map, e.g. newr1.sav is the New Reno entrance map. You'll have to copy and/or move these manually as appropriate. There's a map.msg file lying around saying roughly which files are what maps if the file names don't give it away.

Oh, and the numbered save folders correspond to your in-game list of save games, top to bottom.
Ok so if i get it right, I've got a save where the car is parked in the den, I take the den something.sav file and swap it with the one in the other save right ? It doesn't seem to work
It seems I'm talking complete bullshit - the area script removes the car when loading the map if it thinks it shouldn't be there.

Next attempt: hex editing your save.dat file! According to this page the location of the car is stored at 0x0B04 or thereabouts.
Thanks, so I found a save editor, found how to get to the hex column (?), function 19, but can't find the offset 0x0024 which is apparently responsible for the location of the car...
Unfortunately I don't have the savegame cracker on this computer and AtomicGamer won't let me download it. However, 24 in hex is 36 in decimal, so you should probably be looking for the 37th byte in the function. Take a look at the save where your car is in the Den and see if a byte is 6 or 7. If so, that's the one you want.
Each pair of blue digits is a byte. You're looking for the last four on the "0x0020" line. That last byte is 1, which seems to correspond to the map MAP_RND_DESERT_2, presumably a desert map used for the car. Try changing it to 4E, which is the Broken Hills map number (78) in hex, and see if it works.