Carsten Comments English The Fall Release


Night Watchman
Staff member
Carsten Strehse had posted an official "When will The Fall be released in English?" thread at the Silver Style fora:
<blockquote>OK, here is the status:

- Yes, TF will be released in US, UK, Australia and all other English speaking territories. The game will also reach most parts of Asia.
- Yes, we already have partners for those territories.
- Yes, the English version will differ from the German one regarding some features. It will be the latest version (an advancement of the Extended Version if you want so).
- Yes, the release will be nearly simultaniously in the English speaking territories.
- No, we don't now the exact date, because it isn't that easy to coordinate the release on different continents. We are not EA (mercifully Wink).
- No, the English master isn't finished yet.
- What's the reason for the long waiting time? We simply want to release a perfect polished game, that's it.

One thing we really want to say: Thank you for your patience! :)</blockquote>Link: "When will The Fall be released in English?" thread at the Silver Style fora

Spotted at RPGDot
So this year or is it going to be very old when it finally hits the US speaking countries, geez what's take so long ?

Oh they need to go from beta to final, gotcha!
Hrmmm so they want to give the us a perfectly polished game but not the rest of the world? wow, that's nice of them. I feel special now.