Cassidy doesn't join me!?


First time out of the vault
This concerns Fallout 2, unofficial patched version

So I've tried with and without walkthroughs, but without luck. My Karma is over 400 and I'm not a childkiller, so why does Cassidy still say "you seem to have enough crowd already" or something similar. Can I have more than two NPC's?

I searched with cassidy and got over 1600 results, sorry to create a new post for something like this...
Leave someone behind (I bet you have Sulik and Vic; leave Vic) or restart the game with a higher charisma value. You can have a number of companions = CHA/2 (Charisma 10 = 5 companions).

I bet you have Charisma 4 or 5.
It's not related to the joining problem, but I'm the expansion pack Killap made, and it seems Cassidy's level does not increase. Marcus? Does. But it seems Cassidy is stuck at level 2 or 3 for him. And we're in the endgame. EDIT: Mine is not the current version, though.
Makenshi said:
Leave someone behind (I bet you have Sulik and Vic; leave Vic) or restart the game with a higher charisma value. You can have a number of companions = CHA/2 (Charisma 10 = 5 companions).

I bet you have Charisma 4 or 5.

Thanks for the quick reply. These are the things why I should've read these forums and howTO's before starting to play the game :P
As far as I remember "Magnetic Personality" perk allows you to have one more extra slot for party member.
Yeah it does... kida a nice perk if you inted to carry an army around with you.. lol... Ive doen that a few times. My question is though... how do you fit Marcus, Cassidy, Vic, Sulik, Dogmeat, Cyberdog, and yourself into the car?
Nightling said:
My question is though... how do you fit Marcus, Cassidy, Vic, Sulik, Dogmeat, Cyberdog, and yourself into the car?

Thats what the expanded trunk is for .... :)
You drive, Cassidy rides shotgun (obviously). Vic, Sulik, and Dogmeat in the back seat - Vic as driver-side gunner, Dogmeat hanging his head out the window. Marcus is in the open trunk lobbing grenades at anyone the gunners miss (he can't fit in the passenger compartment, good thing there's no lid on it). Cyberdog and K-9 are turned off and mounted as hood ornaments. Skynet could put his treads in neutral and hang on to the rear bumper. Myron gets strapped onto the roof or stuffed in next to Marcus.

You can get dogmeat to follow you around!? Was that a possibility in Vanilla Fo2 or is it a Restoration project thing?
OMG! that's hilarious... the thing is I could just see it. Clipping through the wastes like that and passing all the Radscorps while they sit there going "wtf was that?"

You have to feed Dogmeat in FO2 (iguana-on-a-stick, or prime cuts) and then he will follow you...
Nah, just show him your jumpsuit. And have a NPC slot available.
It's vanilla by the way.