Cassidy is severely pissing me off


First time out of the vault
Hey there,
Well I really enjoy playing Fallout 2, but the NPC behaviour is just plain.. annoying. I made the huge mistake of giving Cassidy a Jackhammer and enough shells to blast the whole Enclave to hell, and now I have to reload more frequently because of my companion than the actual bad guys.
It's not that he just blasts my other NPCs to tiny pieces, nope. He does that too, but it wouldn't be so bad if he wouldn't blatantly ignore my command to BE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SURE not to hit me. Ah, it's really nice to get a 100 hp critical right in the back while a tough Deathclaw is in front of me.
Is there any way to make him actually *look* where he's firing? If not, can't burst-firing be totally prohibited to npc's? And, if that doesn't work, is there a decent shotgun not having the ability to burst fire, or is there any other good weapon I can give him? I'm sort of a gatherer type, so it should be a weapon which has enough ammunition in the game :D
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I'd recommend going into the combat settings (bottom-right red button on the dialogue screen) and setting him to "Charge" if you want him to use Burst. That way, he'll run right up in the enemy's face and then unload that Jackhammer into them.

But since Cassidy is bugged in that he frequently resets to his default combat settings, I'd really recommend you give him a single-fire-only weapon. My favorite weapon for him, personally, is a Gauss Rifle. Barring that, really just your best single-shot small gun.
Thanks, that explains a lot, I was baffled when I saw that Cassidys combat setting was set back to "Be careful not to hit me". Well, that's kind of annoying, but what can you do. I'll try "charge!" out though, and if it gets too sickening I'll look for a single shot weapon then.
(isn't there any patch available for Cassidys behaviour, though?)
Strange as it is, on Hard/Rough Cassidy can burst through a wall of 3 NPC's w/o hitting you.

Your best bet is to actually stay out of his way. Hard/Rough difficulty teaches you all you need to know about how to place yourself out of harm's way, be it enemies or friendly fire.
Cassidy is actually a very good shooter with a Pancor Jackhammer. I am currently playing with him and Marcus with a Minigun in my party, and we're wasting people at left and right. And I just got a Gatling Laser at EPA, I'm going to kick SO MUCH ASS!