Cassidy referred to as John Macrae in Fallout 2 files...why?


Bear Dude
Awhile ago I was looking (and still am) through all the Fallout 2 files and I see that every reference to Cassidy the designers seem to refer to him as John Macrae. I find this odd. Is there some significance to this?

Just curious....
I don't think so. It's just that this character changed his name somewhere along the design process. Not only him, if you look at Metzger's file, you'll see he was supposed to be named Caesar.

It's funny, though, how there were numerous MacRae's in Fallout. The only one that's in the game is the Irishman by the Blades in Boneyard, but there was also supposed to be a Super Mutant called MacRae whom you could have talked into killing the Master for you (this was dropped from the game though)

I once thought Cassidy's family name was MacRae (he's still called that if you talk to Metzger and offer to sell him) and that he was a grandson of the Irishman... ;)
Silencer said:
I don't think so. It's just that this character changed his name somewhere along the design process. Not only him, if you look at Metzger's file, you'll see he was supposed to be named Caesar.

Yeah, I saw that plus a few other characters.

Still, the name change to Cassidy must have been a last minute one. Every single variable and such has the name MacRae. The only thing that has the name Cassidy is his text file. With Metzger, you just find an old msg file with the name Caesar - all variables and such use the new Metzger name.

Just my curious mind wondering why the name might have been dropped.

Thanks for the response Silencer.