Cassidy with Power Armor


First time out of the vault
So I equipped Cassidy with a set of Power Armor which boosted his unarmed skill past his small arms skill. Problem is now he won't equip any weapon regardles of his combat settings. Is there a way around this that would allow him to keep the Power Armor?

I'm playing the restoration project for the first time. Can't recall if I've had this problem before with the vanilla version.

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You should be able to set his combat preference to armed, and he won't go unarmed.

A more direct work around is to enable NPC combat control using SFALL, so you can access his inventory, control his movement, and how/who/when he attacks in combat. It makes you a bit too powerful as most of the AI is pretty dumb, but it's worth it to me so I don't have to watch Cassidy empty round after round of shotgun shells into my back as he apparently doesn't know how single shots work.