Mildly Dipped
I bought FIFA 2004 and tried to install but the setup quits to the desktop everytime with an autorun error. I checked up EA and it says there that if I don't have a C:\ drive, the game won't install. I am part of the 1% of the population that doesn't have a C:\ drive because the idiot techie that put the computer together thought I would be amused that the F:\ coincides with my initial. Now, I need to install the game and I don't know if there is any way to change the root directory's letter. I tried diskmanagement from MS but no dice, the damn computer doesn't allow me to. I tried changing one of the CD-ROM drives to C:\ but no dice either. Can someone explain me why did the retards at EA didn't bother introducing a check in the autorun file that verifies if there is INDEED a C:\. Any help would be greatly appreciated because right now, my dad, brother and mother think that I am screwing up things on purpose.
Oh blorg, I post this in the wrong forum again. Can someone move it to the proper forum. Pretty please?
Oh blorg, I post this in the wrong forum again. Can someone move it to the proper forum. Pretty please?