Change of music when fcombat begins


First time out of the vault
Is it possible to modify Fallout to change the music when combat begins? It could enhance the gaming experience. I'd like to listen the music from Cyborg during the fight.
For example:
fro 1:17 to 3:45 min


I'd like to make it, but I have almost no experience with modding. Could someone help me how to do it or someone who would want help me to make it?
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First you need to learn SSL scripting and how fallout engine works with sounds. Start by reading wikis first.
Your best bet is sfall global scripts, for example checking combat_initialized in infinite loop and play_sfx when it starts. I recently found that there are several undocumented scripting commands related to sound (get sfall_modderspack and look at sslc source code), but I never tried them and not sure how they work.

Best of luck.