Changes to resting......


Vault Senior Citizen
So continuning my list of FO2 mod suggestions (i should
make a doc!)

Resting. All these rooms you can pay for in the various
bars in FO2... whats the point? you can rest
anywhere - even in the middle of the dangerous radiated
wasteland or with critters only a few meters away.
This seems unrealistic to me.

My suggestion - make all beds 'usable' so they bring up
the hand icon. This is the ONLY way the player can rest
IF he wants to rest in the wasteland using pipboy - okay -
take 1 raditation point per hour, half healing rate and
have a chance of being attacked buy the usual wasteland

So to those who can mod - how difficult would this be to
Yeah, I always thought critters and whatnot should be able to find you when resting in the wasteland, good idea, but I think this would be pretty challenging.
Definitely an interesting idea to make things more challenging. So, let's take this apart:

1. Making beds usable. Very easy. Make a new scenery object with a bed picture, make it usable, attach a script that advances time and heals the player and party. No problem.

2. Resting in the wasteland - take radiation points over time. Sounds easy. Modify the various outdoor map scripts to give the player radiation over time spent on that map. But I can't think of the exact way the code should be at the moment... give me some time to think about that.

3. Resting in the wasteland - half healing rate. I don't know if this could be done.

4. Resting in the wasteland - have chance of being attacked by the usual wasteland beasties. Again, I don't know exactly how this would work. It is possible to create new critters on a map that you are already on, but I can't think of a way to have them wake you up and attack you. The best you could hope for is that, once you wake up, there are some critters there ready to engage you in combat. It would take a lot of scripting, though, to ensure that the player got a full range of critters to attack him this way. So, difficult, but not impossible.

5. Finally, another thing to make things harder would be to disable the clock on the Pipboy (or just remove the times available), so the player could not rest anywhere except in a bed. Easy.
Well thats encouraging - thanks MIB88.
would you consider trialing this in demo
version of megamod?

I dont think being jumped by beasties
in the wasteland is neccesary - it would
just be cool. Only being able to rest
in a bed is the key component, plus
being penalised for resting in the wasteland.
I think changing how healing works while resting in the wasteland would be fine, even down to no hit points recovered at all. It IS the wasteland, after all. And my personal experience of sleeping outdoors on the ground in my leather clothes is that I woke up with less hit points than I had when I went to sleep.

However, the "time passes" function of resting can't really be done without, since several quests include timing issues. (And I've always enjoyed quests with that aspect.) Seriously, if I had to walk away from my computer and set my wristwatch (err... cell phone) to beep in ten minutes to remind me to go back to my game to open a door that is now unguarded... I don't want to think about it. Let alone leaving the game running for eight hours so that the sun will come up again. Sheesh...

I also agree that having rest be interupted by attacks would be cool, but I don't do any scripting, so I cannot contribute as to how possible/impossible that would be.

"Could not rest anywhere except in a bed" problem is quite nonsense, but definitely possible. mad_eye has made something very similar, iirc. Even for NPC which are now basically "used to" be 24 hours/day eg. on the field. They've found the nearest bed, fallen asleep and sweared (if they've been waken up). Damn, they was so vulgar.