Changing Hero anims/skins

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Sorry if this one has been asked several (hundred) times...

I'm curious if anyone knows if the Hero animations can be changed simply by replacing the std (armors, item anims) animations w/ the desired in-game "look" anims and a rename? I'm not sure if the hero frm's are exclusive to framerate, direction, etc...

Say I wanted the male Hero character to switch to the tribal (pre-completed Trial) animations if he were to don a new Hide armor. I've made the Hide armor replace the leather armor look. If I were to take the so-named leather armor animations and rename them/repack them as the same name as the leather anim's would that work? Figuring in that there aren't firearm anim's I snag Sulik's...Would this feasibly work, or at least in theory?
It should work just fine just changing the pro file... Keep in mind though that if you arm your PC with a weapon the sprite doesn't support, the sprite'll just dissapear...

Someone just released a mod where you can take a "FEV container (jar)" and when you "wear it", it make syou look like a super mutant... Neat but useless...
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-03 AT 09:51PM (GMT)]Okay, so are you saying I can simply just go to the desired .pro anim and change it? Say...via hexing the .pro itself, as opposed to a rename/re-insert of the .frm anim files?

I was hoping for a fairly simple solution via .frm manipulation, as I am not-so-great w/ hexing data. Any sort of tutorial or offset listing explanations you could point me toward for in-game char anim's per chance?

*note* In the afore-mentioned I was attempting a cover solution to the problem you mentioned ; using Sulik's firearm-bearing anim's for a tribal/hide armor look ;)

Thank you for your time and assistance, btw :)

edit: the hexing of pointed anim to work via .pro files. Systematic process of elimination and comparison to released mods w/ alt anim's helped. I'm still curious if you (or anyone) knows where I can get any fairly comprehensive data on offsets and addresses for all-things F1-F2...?.?
Pipboyle2000le (now on actually has the list of values for the sprites used in the armour.
Very, very nice...I am sure that will be extremely helpful.

Thank you ever so much :)