Character appearance help


First time out of the vault
Hi, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I've looked through this site ten fold to find the reason that when I change my character's appearance it goes away when I complete the temple of trials to the generic vault 13 suit. Then I tried to change the suit file in the hex editor yet it still does nothing. I am sorry if this has already come and and searched the forum several times. Please don't be mean if this has been answered. Thanks.
I think it may be hard coded to change from the initial appearance to the vault suit when you set foot on It also might just be a map script file.
I'm sure there is, but the only way I can think of is to mod the game so that you don't go to the village map at all.
Use Timeslip's sfall:

;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines.
;The default models can also be changed ingame via script
Sometime continuum looks to Terminator 2 who want to learn to be cool :)
the best but sometime a little bit...unreachable? :)
The scene when young john connor ask him to not kill people.
and he breaks the face and the ass of the guys and say:
"I'll live..."

Here it done:
"use time slip's application...over"

I'll allow me to add 2 or 3 advices.

Install Sfall as continuum says.
Find the lines he says (on the last part of the Ddraw.ini file you will have in the fallout2 directory.)

delete the ";" behind the male description or the woman if you play a girl.


after if you want to wear another kind of armor just replace the hmjmps by

hapowr for the power armor
harobe for the purple robe
hmcmbt for the combat armor
hmlthr for the leather armor
hmmaxx for the mad max suit (all in black)
hmmetl for the metal armor

You will find all those name in the critters.lst in the fallout2/data/art/critters directory.

Hoping it 'll help

"I'll be back" :)

Brother Soifran
There's also hanpwr for advanced power armor. For female characters, use hfcmbt, hflthr, hfmaxx, and hfmetl for combat, leather, leather jacket, and metal armors respectively.