Like Phil I also use one of two builds that always have the same stats, what will change is the decision to use companions to help you do the kill or not.
If I want companions do the killing and help me a lot I use 6 ST, 5 PE, 8EN, 4 CH, 7 IN, 5 AG, 5 LK. Companions with high charisma kill things before you even notice, specially ED-E.
If I don't bother with companions then 6 ST, 5 PE, 8EN, 1 CH, 7 IN, 5 AG, 8 LK.
This also allows to buy all implants with the good Dr. Usinagi, except one (the one I never buy is that crappy health regeneration).
For traits I always pick Small Frame (then broke my own limbs), the second is optional, sometimes I choose Good Nature or Wild Wasteland.
For perks I always use Comprehension, Jury Rigging, Better Criticals, Weapon Handling if I want to use Ballistic Fist, one rak of Toughness and Piercing Strike, the rest is case specific. I only pick Finesse if I'm taking companions with me.
If playing at hardcore mode Pack Rat is not an option, is a must.
If I want higher DT I use Cass as companion and put my Survival at 75, Whiskey Rose gave a wooping +5 DT!
Either way, this builds allows TWO combat skills to be selected, I don't like to only focuse in one, so I mix Explosives/Energy Weapons/Guns with Melee or Unarmed.
Vault 34 or when fighting against Caesar's Legion in Hoover Dam, for example, is much easier with melee/unarmed than guns.
But sometimes I like to have fun, so I make a 5 ST, 5 PE, 5 EN, 8 CH, 7 IN, 5 AG, 5 LK build, pick the two ranks of Animal Friend perk and buy the intelligence/charisma implants. Then I watch my companions
onslaught everything in their way, helped sometimes by packs of Nightstalkers, Golden Geckos, Giant Mole Rats, Legion Mongrels and even Brahmin/Bighorners.

If you have Dead Money one thing to try is picking Light Touch and Travel Light perks, this things are powerfull!
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