Since I'm interested in joining in, I'll write up a character description, please, tell me when an option to enter comes up(although I could think of some easy ways for this character). Also, if you don't like how I design this character or make some design faults, please say something.....
Age-Somewhere between 18 and 25.
Eyes-Brown/green, you probably won't get to see them much.
Length: about 1m50(4"11)
Weight-Very thin, about 70-80 lbs. I'd say.
Hairr-Dark brown, almost black, and very very long. As if it hasn't ever been cut....which, in fact, is actually true, and thus pretty dirty, with a bit of dreadlock effect, but mainly just dirty.
Skin color-ALthough odd for someone from the wastes, he has a very pale complexion.
Voice-Pretty high, almost shreakingly.
General Appearance- He's a very small, and thin guy. He seems very distant, not making any kind of vocal contact with anyone, and staying in the shadows and out of sight as much as he can. Think of Gollum, make him more human, add hair, and make his quite a ways smaller, and make him a bit taller, and you'd probably have this guy.
Personality-He's utterly anti-social, although he has the ability to speak, he almost never uses it, and if he communicates, it is usually through gestures and showing emotions. He's very sneaky as well, he tries to stay out of sight and undetected, but doesn't always succeed.
Clothing-He wears pretty simple clothing, mainly consisting of black, dirty and not worn jeans, a long sleeved, dirty and also worn black shirt, and several mechanical trinkets used as, well, decoration. He's also been able to sow some kind of black patch of cloth to his shirt, which can be used as a hood of sorts, and when worn, virtually conceals his face. He has managed to make several pouches and pockets to put stuff in that hang from several places on his clothes, although most of those places are concealed from sight....
Weaponry and other items- A combat knife he picked up somewhere, a lot of technological, medical and other trinkets hanging from several necklaces, but for some reason he has wrapped cloth around all those things, as if not to make them make too much noise.
Abilities-He's very smart, and knows a lot of things, this being mostly due to the fact that he grew up in a library. Sadly, due to his antisocial nature, he can't really show any of the knowledge he has. If you were to give him a pencil and paper, however, he'd probably be able to put some sane things on that paper.
He's pretty handy with the knife, but that's about all he's good for in combat, and if the combat got any farther than him trying to kill something with a single undetected stab, he'd probably be in a lot of trouble. His real ability lies in stealth, he can sneak past most people, and often uses this ability to get himself through daily life, by stealing food and water and other necessities.
He's also pretty handy with mechanical things(explaining the many, many trinkets he has), but he tends to take them apart, and thus, it may not be a very good idea to hand him any sort of explosive device........
Short Bio-He was abandoned by his parents, and he will probably never know why. A ghoul found him, and, being a kind ghoul, decided to take him in and raise him. He took him to his place, the sewers of the town, wher he had stashed most of the pre-war stuff that had ever found it's way into that town, so that the people of the town wouldn't destroy all the knowledge and technology just to have a little fire.
Living in the relative dark, his eyes accustomed to the dark fast, and he learned a lot from the ghoul, he had read through most of the books in the library by the age of ten, since there was little to do. It was then that he started to tinker with all of the technological stuff around, ranging from computers and energy cells to lamps, assisted by the ghoul and this knowledge from the books, he managed to get quite some things working again, and those things he didn't get working, he turned inside-out to see what they'd do.
He had lived all that time by stealing from the inhabitants of the town, but one day he got caught, fleeing, a villager followed him and found the ghoul's place. After being scared off by the ghoul, the villager came back the next day....with a mob. Killing the ghoul, the mob couldn't find the boy, and left. The boy came out from one of the many hiding places, and found the ghoul dead, and most of the place destroyed or looted. Fearing another attack he skipped town, and played stow-away on a caravan leaving town. Hiding between the goods, he found that he wasn't even detected by the caravan. Since then he has been living like that, going from place to place and stowing away on caravans, sure he was caught some times, but when he was, the merchants either pitied him, he is a very pitiful creature, or left him to rot in the desert, not realizing that he would follow the caravan and hide amongst the goods after a day or so again.
Wow, this has become quite long, tell me whether or not you consider this to be good or not, and whether I would be allowed to join. I'd also like to say that most of the information given here isn't necessary, but sure helps when trying to interact someone who barely speaks and hides most of the time, because it gives some motivations and basic characterics, as well as skills....