Chinese are "Fallouty"?

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 03:26PM (GMT)[p]I've come to understand that there are some discussion going on about things that are "Fallouty" (Fallout 1 for sure, Fallout 2 as well but not as much as Fallout 1) and things that are not (FOT).

While browsing today I came upon this picture of the Chinese return vehicle they are gonna use for manned spaceflight.

(when you see the link you'll understand why i used makeashorterlink. it goes to, no worries.)

That looks really "Fallouty" to me ;-)

Yeah, that's one diarrhetic URL. Some are getting obscene lately. 0.o

As for the pic, sure as hell looks like it's from the Fallout universe.
That looks suspiciously like, if I remember correctly, one of those Vostok space capsules. Destroy an entire village, can't even feed their people, and worst of all, they can't even make their own goddamned technology... Chinese spacemen. That'll take a while.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-02 AT 04:16AM (GMT)[p]Looks like the chinese are distributing some propaganda to the people.
As fak as I know Chinese space technology is based on Soviet devices from 50's and 60's. Fallout universe is something like retro 50's, no wonder it looks Fallouty.