[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 03:26PM (GMT)[p]I've come to understand that there are some discussion going on about things that are "Fallouty" (Fallout 1 for sure, Fallout 2 as well but not as much as Fallout 1) and things that are not (FOT).
While browsing today I came upon this picture of the Chinese return vehicle they are gonna use for manned spaceflight.
(when you see the link you'll understand why i used makeashorterlink. it goes to space.com, no worries.)
That looks really "Fallouty" to me
While browsing today I came upon this picture of the Chinese return vehicle they are gonna use for manned spaceflight.
(when you see the link you'll understand why i used makeashorterlink. it goes to space.com, no worries.)
That looks really "Fallouty" to me
