Chris Avellone Interview Continued @


Night Watchman
Staff member
Gamer Girl posted the continuation of the interview with Chris Avellone, not much is said about Fallout, more about Planescape: Torment, but also there are some tips for those seeking their fortune with the game design industry.<blockquote>First off, if you're interested in story and world creation, I would recommend trying to get established in the pen-and-paper game industry or in books or novels - game design requires a love of game mechanics, lists, and tons upon tons of rule sets.</blockquote>Link: Chris Avellone Interview part 2 at Gamer Girl

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I'll agree with this. There is far more to writing dialogues for the Fallout 2 engine than I would have ever imagined. I have no programming background and the mechanics aspect is sucking all the enjoyment of writing dialogues right out the window for me. Fortunately, I am endeavoring to preservere...
I remeber making and playing pen and paper RPGs with my friend when I was at primary school. Once you get into it you can throw together a basic rule set in a very short time, the long slow part was the lists of all the weapons and equipment. About the only weapon I can remeber was the 'Cyclops Canon' which was a big mother car mounted laser thingy :)

I cant remeber how well balanced the games were, but the biggest thing was having a good GM/DM who could adjust the difficulty to suit the players. The problem with computer games is that a computer program cant think and adjust the game difficulty to keep the game balanced. Sure I've seen plenty of games that boast of having an AI that can learn you play style, but it never works it always comes down to good level design and balance.