City edting questions


First time out of the vault
City editing question:
What are city sizes in Fallout2 and how to change them?
How to change city positions in Fallout2?
How to edit world map?
Fallout2 map is divided in squares. What is measure of those squares?
How to calculate coordinates in Fallout2 world map?
All locations are saved in the city.txt in the Fallout2/data/data/ folder. There you can change the circle size, the map position, edit the worldmap stuff, etc.

If you want to know the size of the worldmap squares, extract the graphics and use FRM Animator to save a graphic to bmp. Then check it's size with a generic image editor.

The coordinates are the pixels on the worldmap. Take a graphic editing tool that shows you the pixel coordinates and move the mouse over the full map (not single squares).