Classic Power Armor pictures


First time out of the vault
Has anyone seen any good up-close pictures of the classic Power Armor from Fallout 1? I know there is a picture of the helmet on the box, but what I'm looking for is a full front and side image. I probably won't find a picture like that, so I'll add that if anyone can draw an exact replica of it, down to the right height/width proportions, I would appreciate it.

I've been thinking about creating a mod for Fallout 3 that will turn the power armor into its classic state, but I'll need reference images first. It also crossed my mind to do this for the Enclave armor as well.
Yes, those are about the only pictures I thought I would find and none of them are as detailed as I would like them to be or large enough pictures. Thanks though.

If there are any artists out there that are interested in drawing up some concept for this, pm me and let me know.
Is it really that far off in looks? I only thought the backside was slightly off, if anything...

The intro video of Fallout 1 shows a few Power Armors in a bit more detail then the normal sprites. Black and white though, and also still a bit small in comparison to talking heads and the like.
Well, to be honest, I didn't know there was a T-51b power armor in Fallout 3 until Mikael posted that link. Apparently it's part of a long and arduous quest and is the only one of its type in the game. I just assumed the armor that you see all over the place was the new, and only, power armor. I don't really like the look of any of them.

That being said, the helmet looks about right on their version, but the armor is a bit different. The Fallout 1 pictures show the suit being as one, complete piece of armor, where Fallout 3 is, more or less, bits and pieces on top of an underlay. I can see why they did it that way, as the model would need full range of motion and there would be clipping/seam issues with a one-piece suit of power armor.

Still, I'd like to make a suit that's as close to the original version as possible. If I can't make it fit in the game right, it will at least be a nice piece to show.
Apparently it's part of a long and arduous quest

Nah, I needed approx 10 minutes to get all needed keys. If you follow the quest arrows, you don't need much time....
Ehh there are still clipping errors even with how they set up the armor. Looking at the intro video screenshots, the major deviation just seems to be the upper area's size, though. In the video of Mr. Armor shooting Mr. Canadian, the upper body looks extremely large yet the legs appear to be more of a normal build.

I think Fallout 3's armor goes more off Van Buren's models for overall reference though. Even then the armor was broken up a bit.
I always thought the power armor in Fallout 3 looked skinny and angsty.

The original power armor seems to have broader shoulders. Also some one else seemed to mention that when a person wears power armor in Fallout 3, there does not seem to be much difference in height than a person with out, so I guess people wearing power armor should also be taller than those with out.
I dunno, were they much taller in Fallout 1 and 2? I can't recall really.

And I just read a bit more on the Van Buren armor too. They redesigned it even then because of the same problems that Fallout 3 would've had with the armor IF they kept with the original design. Clipping would've been widespread.