Colin McComb joins Wasteland 2's team

That's awesome! I've never tried Torment but I understand its writing is deep. Wasteland 2 is going to kick some ass in the writing department. Mass Effect fanboys can go back in their basements.
That's quite nice to hear. I guess the writing will be absolutely stellar.
If the gameplay department is only half as good as the writting department W2 is going to be truly great.
I hope the writting will not be always too serious though.
In the end the weird (without being childish, just really weird) stuff in Wasteland adds a lot to the game IMO.
I guess i'm tired of the "fallout universe".
Sub-Human said:
That's awesome! I've never tried Torment but I understand its writing is deep. Wasteland 2 is going to kick some ass in the writing department. Mass Effect fanboys can go back in their basements.
You need to definitely try Planescape Torment it is great amazing story, places, people. Just amazing! If you want to get in contact I could buy it for you it's so good you need to play it.
Sub-Human said:
That's awesome! I've never tried Torment but I understand its writing is deep. Wasteland 2 is going to kick some ass in the writing department. Mass Effect fanboys can go back in their basements.

I'm embarrassed to say I never got through that game. I think it came out at a time in my life where I was too busy to be able to focus and concentrate on a game that deep. I still have it in a box somewhere, guess I should give it another go!
PaladinBreach said:
You need to definitely try Planescape Torment it is great amazing story, places, people. Just amazing! If you want tot get in contact I could buy it for you it's so good you need to play it.

There was a problem with the installation of Torment so I got pissed and removed it.
Sub-Human said:
PaladinBreach said:
You need to definitely try Planescape Torment it is great amazing story, places, people. Just amazing! If you want tot get in contact I could buy it for you it's so good you need to play it.

There was a problem with the installation of Torment so I got pissed and removed it.
What was wrong with it?
Bewitched said:
Yeah, this guy worked on San Francisco and Broken Hills locations. He is cool.

To be honest, these are my least favorite locations in F2, along with Redding. But that doesn't mean the guy can't write, of course.
Redding is awesome. Flashpoint of the New Reno/NCR/Vault City conflict for domination that drives Fallout 2.
Surf Solar said:
And not a single interesting quest there is to find

I really like Redding if im being honest, loved the Western vibe and the music for the town.
Surf Solar said:
And not a single interesting quest there is to find

Superficially. Getting the chip and solving the Jet addiction problem is a very intricate quest in the repercussions it has. They're the keys to the future of Redding and, by extension, control of the northern economy.
I liked the free mouth gag in Broken Hills.
Another Fallout writer? *picks a celebratory booger and eats it*
I liked the atmosphere in Redding too, doesnt change the fact that gameplay and quests were super yawners there, no matter what "heavy repercussions" these might have.

Let's also not forget what "gems" Mr. Comb brought us, talking plants, scientist and his scorpion etc.. Or hoe shitty most of the Curst stuff was in Torment compared to the rest. :lol: So yeah, definitely a fitting choice of writer for the roster. How many dozens of them they further want to hire?
Awesome news yet again. How many more writers are they going to hire?

Oh and Redding rocked. Now I feel like playing some Fallout 2. Thankfully I am too damn tired or I might get sucked back in.

Edit: Seems others are wondering the same. :)