Color replacer


First time out of the vault
I just wrote this little tool that allows you to replace colors in multiple files. It can be useful when making new critters, but in most cases it's useless just by itself. It's a windows app and needs some .net version installed

These are samples of what can be done with simple critters:

These were easy because i replaced colors from the purple robe and there are no purple pixels anywhere else. The color associations i used for these are in the archive. It would probably work ok with dogs and aliens and stuff like that but i don't have any more time to try them now.
ahm, nice work but there is a python script with a gui (code by my self) out which do the same work.
Even better cause the script works for FRM, so you dio not have to convert to bmp frames.

BUT i takek a look, and i think with your tool you can work more precise cause the script works with HUE range. With your tool, i can replace an exact color. So when i am thinking right, with some time there are good color profiles and results possibly

so i will give it a try.

edit: ahm from where to hell you know which color u need to set for replacement?

edit2: hm i have an idea. is there are tool witch you can mark a are in a bmp/frm and the tool gives you the colorcodes?
it is not mine script, just the gui is coded by me. but it were never public, just for me/private use. i will be upload that, but give me some time to play arround with your tool first. Cause with this one i can work more accurate, it takes time but.. whe this what i am trying now will work, we can expand this tool to areally powerfull little think. i have the ideas and your can code ;)

so let me play arround first.
Changed the link in the first post to point to the new version. Now you can load color associations from bitmap files. There's a sample included in the archive
Now what is exactly new, i can't see any changes.

Well, i tested the tool and i think it has potential.

It's good to replace color by color, because you can work more exactly. The thing is that you have to make complicated color maps but still better as doing it manual.

So here some points and suggestions for future versions:

You definitely need a progress bar

And i kind of analysis tool, i know it is a lot of work but i do not know your code skills (by the way what kind of syntax you are using? ) but can you make a function for load a preference picture(with previewing) where you can set the colors and change it by a an other color. (If so then you do not need external tools like PS)

Finally it will be very hilarious to load hole FRM(Sets).

I don't know which way you will go, it is definitely your tool. Its only a suggestion from my side.
The new thing was that you could load color associations from bmp files. There was one example in the archive. When you select open, change file type to bmp and use "HA ROBE to HA GROB.bmp" from the archive. I find this is a lot easier and it's what i've been using

About your suggestions:

Do you really need a progress bar? I haven't seen any replacing that takes longer than 2 seconds.

Previewing would be nice but i really don't have any time to work on it now. It would also be nice to have zooming and color picking.

I'm not sure about working with FRM's. The thing is that you need to edit the images frame by frame after color replacement anyway, so you'd have to unpack the FRM.

My code is C# in VS2008, i can upload the source project in case anyone wants to change it. I really don't have any more time for this, except for some minor interface adjustments that i want to do and will post later today.

EDIT: updated the first post with the new version. Just some minor interface improvements and some exception handling. I am done with this at least for a while. It does what i need and it's already helping me a lot
ahm i know i am not p to date with my 2,4 GhZ single Core P4, but for me it takes defenily more than 2 seconds. that all changes would be nice, right. So if you not have the time/wish to code that, you should really public your source. Maybe some one has the wish to continue that.
Holly crap! Gays are commin'! O_O

No, but because i'm creating an Hazmat suit armor.
This tool will be usefull to create new FRM's for
The suit...