Combat system in Fallout 4.. my idea, am curious what people think


Mildly Irriadiated Kiwi
So I've been playing a ton of Far Cry 3 lately and it occurred to me that the fighting style in Far Cry 3 (automatic cover, stealth hiding in foliage, melee sneak kills etc) could really suit a Fallout game. I think, in my opinion, it would probably play better than in Skyrims engine.

Just curious if anyone agrees.. or am I stark raving mad xD

Its not just that though. I think theres a few things that could work incredibly well from Far Cry 3 into Fallout 4. The alchemy/craft system would really suit, also having to have a knife or some sort of sharp melee weapon in inventory to harvest such things would also increase immersion from an RP standpoint.

Having foliage (or whats left of it) catching fire when appropriate would also be cool and add a new mechanic to the game, although that is more of a destructible environment sort of thing.

I'm not sure how this would work with companions though.
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