Comet Apocalypse


Vault Senior Citizen
I just watched 2 movies where the plot involves a comet hitting the earth. They are "Post Impact" and "Dream Warrior".

Post Impact sucks really bad, don't waste time or money on this dud. Dream Warrior, however, was pretty cool, worth watching. There are lots of muties (yay), but they are getting hunted down because they are not "pure". I gues they should have went to broken hills.
Disaster movies are for morons. I can't think of one good movie that involves mother-nature fucking us up the ass.
Ernesto said:
Disaster movies are for morons. I can't think of one good movie that involves mother-nature fucking us up the ass.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Yeah, disaster documentaries are way cooler. Those tsunami footages, for example - I was eating popcorn and cheering throughout the whole movie.
They are post apocalyptic movies, not disaster movies. The "disaster" part is past tense.

Ernesto said:
Disaster movies are for morons.
You have a big mouth for someone who has been here one week.
Is Post Impact the one that was made by Europeans and they have to take these two trucks that are rendered badly in CGI animation to the heart of the frozen wasteland that is Europe?

If so, I've seen it and it does indeed, suck.
calculon00 said:
Is Post Impact the one that was made by Europeans and they have to take these two trucks that are rendered badly in CGI animation to the heart of the frozen wasteland that is Europe?

If so, I've seen it and it does indeed, suck.

Yes. Dream Warrior is decent though. The muties are called "freaks" and most of them have developed psionic powers. But they live in fear because genetic impurity is considered a crime punishable by death. There is a prophecy of a child that will be born that will rise to fight and protect the muties.