First time out of the vault
Hey guys, I am looking at doing some raw sketches for a comic book and I need more background information behind BoS.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the exile of supermutants into the Rocky Mountains happens right after the oil rig explosion, right? Or has it always been going through this process?
Basically what I am planning to do is do a comic book on BoS raiding a group of nomad supermutants that have been supposedly causing trouble. In the end I want to have some sort of blendin with the exile of them with the blimp ships.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the exile of supermutants into the Rocky Mountains happens right after the oil rig explosion, right? Or has it always been going through this process?
Basically what I am planning to do is do a comic book on BoS raiding a group of nomad supermutants that have been supposedly causing trouble. In the end I want to have some sort of blendin with the exile of them with the blimp ships.