comic: Post Apoc Zombie Demon Gangsters from Outer Space


First time out of the vault
Well hi there!

Thought I should let you know that I've made a post apocalyptic
comic for anyone who fancies such stories to read.


Before I've mostly done mapping for post apocalyptic "The Wastes" and "The Wastes: Source" mods for half-life 1/2
and this is my first comic to take place in a similiar world and also the first comic that goes up to 30 pages.

Feedback is most welcome so that if I draw more of this I should know what to improve.

other posts on forums if you wish to see all comments:

jpg version for people who can't or don't want to use flash for viewing
I like it, but only 16 pages online.. you can do better than that!

Your drawing style is pretty cool. A little "childish" but not in a bad way. Increases the impact of the story(which feels quite unique but what do I know of these kind of things) me thinks. It could really grow into something awesome.

great mixture of gore and humour.
Including Comic-Spoiler:

The best part on this comic, on my opinion, was when the professor typed the number 666 x Pi in his calculater, that was funny. The Style is okay, but the main Charakter needs some kind of new things, not only a katana, shotgun and a gun, this reminds me to much on Blade. Jeah you should give him a chracter update, also i would like to see some more Maincharacters, at first i thought the Professor is one another main Character, but then he just shot him dead. THAT was very surprising. And i hope walking through the city, shooting some zombie´s is not the only Job, that Johnson has to do. The single page´s which mostly have a Quote of somebody are very nice for the atmosphere. Maybe you can bring the professor back? =) i like him.

Yeah and improve the Story, more details, about whats happening. You need to give the readers the Story piece by piece, so that they are still interested.

Or if you have the thoughts, you have messed up the Story, just start a new comic.

(My english is not perfect :P)

I give you a 8/10, because there is much space for improvement.
Yeah, I'd totally read that.

Oh, wait. Macromedia can't be arsed to come up with a 64bit Firefox plugin for Linux, so I can't.
monsharen said:
I like it, but only 16 pages online.. you can do better than that!
Yes I bet I could though even the size of a project like this takes a major cut from my daily life when I do everything from scratch myself.
But the next episode has a larger storyline so I'm also bound to draw that longer.
Might take a while when the next one comes up. Months, half a year, year...hard to say.

Schuljunge said:
...Yeah and improve the Story, more details, about whats happening. You need to give the readers the Story piece by piece, so that they are still interested.
The sequel I've planned would have more characters and it takes place in the past where the priest also has a bigger role in the action.
Also Roy's backround story has much more depth because he's actually something you necessarily wouldn't guess and I was thinking of giving him a variety of weapons in each episode.

Ashmo said:
Yeah, I'd totally read that.

Oh, wait. Macromedia can't be arsed to come up with a 64bit Firefox plugin for Linux, so I can't.
I'll post the pages in picture files later today