Companions refuse to attack enemy critters


It Wandered In From the Wastes
This is very obvious in the modoc brahmin pasture. Your companions will just stand around like idiots while the dogs attack the brahmin, even if you are actively attacking the dogs. They will never attack the dogs till the dogs go hostile on you, which only happens when a few of the brahmin are killed.

Another common scenario is when a critter doesnt notice you (e.g. too dark) and even though they are close by, your companions wont attack it till it notices you and go hostile.

Is ther eany way to fix this? It is very frustrating for the modoc quest.
Got any mods installed?
Only issue I ever had with that quest was when they or I missed and hit a cow instead of a dog, so then companions started killing cows as well as dogs.
Ive got the RP installed. Im pretty sure that in the base game, companions dont attack the dogs till they go hostile on you as well.