

First time out of the vault

I'm in search for a good compiler. In my search I collected two so far that are:

the compiler from Duck and Cover.

Which compiler is best to use out of those or are there better ones to use? So far I've found those compilers not very user-friendly. If I have to use them then I will but if there are better compilers I'm all ears... thanx!

EDIT: for the compiler for Duck and Cover I have got ruby but it seems a little weird to look at (but then again it is 1:40am and I guess i'm not concentrating hard)
I've just downloaded Open Watcom 1.0 (since from what I've read I could use that to compile .ssl into .int). However I can't seem to find what area of the program can manage this compile.

Any pointers in the right direction?

EDIT: I also have noids compiler with the Ruby interpreter but I just cant seem to edit the autoexec.bat. Any help on that either?
unless you are going to use fallout 1 scripts, there is no need whatsoever to de-compile the existing scripts.. the scource codes are provided with the official editor.

the official editor comes with the compiler.. but not the pre-processor, which just basically replaces all of the names of variables with their number ( grossly simplified explanation.. it does much more.. ).

watcom is the pre-processor that the makers used because it was already on their system...

for xp ( which is considered by most old games as NT.. ) i use the following batch file to compile with..

@echo off
copy %1.ssl temp.c

c:\watcom\binnt\wcc temp.c /p /fo=temp.i 

copy temp.i temp.ssl 

..\dos4gw ..\compile temp.ssl

rem The path in the following two lines should point to the Fallout 2 folder:
md "c:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\scripts"
copy "c:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\scripts\"

del temp.c
del temp.i
del temp.ssl

save the batch file as p.bat

just install watcom to it's default folder.. c:\watcom

then use the batch file from a dos window.. within the folder that the script is located in ( ie arroyo folder etc.. ), using the command

p scriptname

note.. no .ssl extension..
Firstly thanx for the help so far, you've been amazing and so thank you.

Secondly when I did as you said I get the following information from the dos window...

I enter

then I get

1 file(s) copied
temp.c(20): Error! E1055: Unable to open '...\headers\define.h'
temp.c(25): Error! E1055: Unable to open '...\headers\command.h'
1 file(s) copied
'...\dos4gw' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
A subdirectory or file c:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\scripts already exists.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Could Not Find C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Fallout 2 Mapper\scripts\

Of course I am attempting to figure this out for myself but any help would be great (...i'm sure i've said that already heh :) )
I know those are Fallout folders it's looking for so I guess I'll start my search around there.


EDIT: Not exactly sure why it couldn't open it the Headers folder.
it works as is.. he's not running it from inside the arroyo folder.. my guess is he moved the file to the scripts folder instead of copying the batch file to the arroyo folder..

also, he either coppied the output of the dos window incorrectly, or he has copied the batch file down wrong... there are too many dots before the backslashes.. only supposed to be 2.. ie ..\dos4gw not ...\dos4gw
ColJack said:
also, he either coppied the output of the dos window incorrectly, or he has copied the batch file down wrong... there are too many dots before the backslashes.. only supposed to be 2.. ie ..\dos4gw not ...\dos4gw

Yeah I copied it down wrong sorry. It says ..\dos4gw not ...\dos4gw.

I did move the .ssl file to the scripts folder, I guess i move the batch file to the arroyo folder. I'll go give that a go.


EDIT: Yep it works, excellent :)
then use the batch file from a dos window.. within the folder that the script is located in ( ie arroyo folder etc.. ), using the command

How do I exactly do that?

I have the p.bat file in the scripts folder and all the folders in the scripts folder and the /.ssl file in the scripts folder. Everytime I click on the p,bat, it just self exits..

I'm using this as my p,bat file.

@echo off
copy %1.ssl temp.c
c:\watcom\binnt\wcc temp.c /p /fo=temp.i
copy temp.i temp.ssl
..\dos4gw ..\compile temp.ssl
rem The path in the following two lines should point to the Fallout 2 folder:
md "c:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\scripts"
copy "c:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Datman\Fallout 2 Mapper\scripts\"
del temp.c
del temp.i
del temp.ssl

Iinstalled watcom to c folder
any help would be appreciated
syntax for p.bat is:

p Scriptfilename

You can try to use FSE, it can make compilation of script very easy, you ned just click a button.
I tried fse and tried playing around with the mcmiria script. I changed how robes were supposed to change her appearance but it didn't work. Is the compiled scripts automatically sent to the scripts folder in the fallout 2 folder?
yes it is saved in fallou2/data/scripts, check if file is created in this folder if yes then compilation went ok.
It's not working.. When I compile it, it says completed but then when I exit, windows explorer has an error window and the script doesn't show up..

The compiling window shows up fine I think..

Compiling file: "mcMiria.ssl"
Starting preprocessor
Precompilation successful!
Compiling preprocessor output:"temp.i"
Script compiled successfully!

This errow comes up

AppName: fse.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.1560 Offset: 000138b2
uhm this the moment when fse try to copy compiled script to ...fallout2/data/scripts. Maybe this directory does not exists, or you did not set all dirs in options correctly or ..... it's a bug.