Comprehension is a Pretty Useful Perk in FO3


It Wandered In From the Wastes
The sheer amount of skill books you stumble upon makes this perk worthwhile to me. Every place I wander into seems to contain at least one, Minefield by itself had 3.

Considering the stretches of time you'll go between leveling up later on, I'd say this is the better pick over Educated.

Comprehension is hugely helpful if you don't have a high Int, or if you plan on exploring a huge part of the world.. You can easily get to 100 in every skill with a little bit of preparation and a lot of exploring.. You could probably even do it with an Int of 3 or 4.
yes and no - half of the boks are for usless skills, like unarmed and you`d have to explore really a lot to find books, and frankly saying aimless exploring of the ruins gets dull
Erny said:
yes and no - half of the boks are for usless skills, like unarmed and you`d have to explore really a lot to find books, and frankly saying aimless exploring of the ruins gets dull
There are no useless skills in Fallout 3, only people who can't think of a use for them.

And a heck of a lot of people are more tuned-in on "get perfect in everything," so that in itself offers incentive.
There is a useless skill, and it's called Explosives, the draw of grenades just isn't large enough and for the few specific instances it's useful for something other than weaponry it's not that spectacular or varied enough.

Maybe not entirely useless, but it is entirely pointless in comparison to the majority of the other skills.
Erny said:
yes and no - half of the boks are for usless skills, like unarmed and you`d have to explore really a lot to find books, and frankly saying aimless exploring of the ruins gets dull

Since there are 25 books per skill, or 325 books in total, you'll need to do a ton of exploring.

It's a viable option, but not for the feint of heart, the impatient, or the progressive. Eventually there will be a skill book guide anyway, so if you ever come back to the game in a few months then yeah maybe it would a good power gaming build to rely on skill books and so you can rely on Intelligence a lot less.

But until then, I'm going to use my 22 skill points a level to get the skills I actually care about to 75 or so, and if I have more skill points to spend and haven't maxed the skills with books yet, then I'm just going to max them.

Comprehension is a hacks perk if you have the patient and dedication. But for me, this is a post apocalyptic kill or be killed world, not fucking Barnes & Noble.
Eyenixon said:
There is a useless skill, and it's called Explosives, the draw of grenades just isn't large enough and for the few specific instances it's useful for something other than weaponry it's not that spectacular or varied enough.

Maybe not entirely useless, but it is entirely pointless in comparison to the majority of the other skills.

I find mines very useful.
Eyenixon said:
There is a useless skill, and it's called Explosives, the draw of grenades just isn't large enough and for the few specific instances it's useful for something other than weaponry it's not that spectacular or varied enough.

Maybe not entirely useless, but it is entirely pointless in comparison to the majority of the other skills.
I could quote my last reply on this, to be honest.. Explosives are extremely powerful, extremely effective in combat (way more than ANY previous incarnation of Fallout, aside from not being able tot blast open doors nowdays,) and extremely entertaining to use in VATS.

So, I'll repeat what I said: There are no bad skills in Fallout 3, only people who haven't found a good use for them. . Playing as a Explosives-only character wouldn't even be that tough to do, frankly.
Mapex said:
Comprehension is a hacks perk if you have the patient and dedication. But for me, this is a post apocalyptic kill or be killed world, not fucking Barnes & Noble.
This. I must say that having Comprehension on really makes it worthwhile and rewarding to explore extra carefully though, since 2 skill points is a lot, and it's really pretty easy to gain 4-6 skill points per dungeon, since most every dungeon has a book or three in it.
Medicine is a bad skill unless you're playing on very hard.

I've got two characters (good: 20, evil: 12) and I've had to use a stimpack to prevent myself from dying once. That's it.
Mapex said:
Since there are 25 books per skill, or 325 books in total, you'll need to do a ton of exploring.

say what? thats hell lot of books
I agree with you that with 20+ points per lvl you max aout the tag skills pretty fast w/o any books

and coyo7e, whats the use of melee and unarmed books if I specialize on range combat? barter and medicine are not essential, considering the ammount of loot

but if there are THAT many books - its a good perk for a hardcore explorer . if only the skill books werent hard to spot among the piles of junk literatures