Concerning the Fallout Patches...


First time out of the vault
I'm not sure, my memory is bad, and I've forgotten something.

It's been a long while since I've played Fallout (4 years), and I finally got to play, by means of bartering with my friend to get a copy XD. I wanted to update Fallout and whatnot to have a bug-free gaming experience (bleh..), and I seem to have stumbled upon something.

Were you able to pick up the leather armor of people in junktown who are wearing it when you kill them? I can't remember, and I don't want to uninstall Fallout and re-install it and check v_v; I might have too...

jack_of_shades said:
just recently "finished" ( the game crashed at the cathedral submap containing the master no matter what i did :x ) replaying fallout 1 myself, i doubt that you'll get a bugfree game even with the fun made patches ...

.. but to your question, yes you should be able to pick up leather armour from people wearing it in junktown and anywhere else for that matter ( the same goes for all armours except for PA i think )

Thank you for the quicky reply(well, for me, cause I JUST uninstalled Fallout and re-installed it with no patches just to find that you can indeed pick up armor).

I heard somewhere that picking up armor would imbalance the game and make it extremley easy cause you could sell all of it, but I don't know where I heard this...

Well.... woo... v_v I heard wrong.
The armour does unbalance the game since it allows you to both quickly get a hold of reasonably high-quality armour and a decent source of money. It's not that big of a deal, though.

PS: This is the wrong forum, moving this to Gameplay & Tech.