Connections - A WW2 RP - Role Play

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First time out of the vault
The Sergeant stiffened his legs and rolled down to the ground, quickly standing again, his parachute harness off. Jack's face was blackened with ash, as was his colt and Garand. He crouched again and moved behind a fallen tree. He watched as the rest of his team members hit the ground. He looked around, took out a small flashlight and a map of the area and the route they would take to Echo Bay. He took out a small pair of binoculars and looked to his west, where, sure enough, he saw a branch of Echo Lake. He smiled, and looked a bit farther north. He saw two artillery fixtures, and he guessed about a platoon of soldiers. He cursed softly.

"Damn....Thats the only way through too."

He looked at the map and nodded. Yep, it must've been a new setup, cause it wasnt marked on the map, and it was right in their route. He sighed. Least they had a OSS guy, he could make them a few extra weapons.

Tower looked around at the terrain. There was a small wood about a half-mile from the German position, and currently they were in a forest that had been burned to all but the ground, probably by a battle of some sort.
Jules hit the ground next. The second his harness was off he whipped his springfield into position and looked around.

"Dark" he said "Too damn dark"

He moved over to Jack and silently waited for the rest to drop.
Was already on the ground, having stuffed the parachute to a small bundle and hidden it in a burnt out stump of sorts. His Thompson swept back and forth, though he preferred the silenced .22 OSS pistol usually given to agents. Brown eyes stared unblinking from under grease paint, his hands making sure all the explosive caps and such were still with him in the bag he dropped.

He said nothing at the moment, as nothing needed to be said. THough he looked to the Master Sergeant, motioning to his knife and pointing towards the base. He wanted to scout it out, maybe observe the patrols heading through and if lucky, silence a few Krauts.**
Art makes a rough landing, before removing the parachute or doing anything else he scans the area around him, then he sees the Sergeant behind a fallen three. Arthur removes the parachute, pick's up the radio and sneaks towards the Sergeant and the others, then he takes a knee next to Jack.

Jack seemed to know who he was since he did not aimed his weapon at Arthur as he approached him.
As Ricardo is 10 feet or so from the ground he is hit by a gust of wind and does a flip before hitting face first and dragging by his forehead for 10 or so feet before coming to a stop.


-ten minutes later-

Where a normal man would slowly gain consciousness Ricky is instantly aware of how screwed he may be and leaps from his back onto his feet in a split second with his .45 aimed into the darkness ready for all.

-A few moments of silence later-

Ricardo decided he was safe at the moment and as such put his .45 into it's holster and drew his carbine. Listening hard he heard a branch crush a few feet away and rushed over to Jack. A quick salute signified his readiness followed by a 2 second signal from Jack that Ricky was bleeding. Rick took a quick stock of his position.........He was armed, allied, and with bloodied shirtsleeve. He would be just fine.
Jack looked around and saw all his men near him. When Jimmy motioned to his knife, he shook his head. He didnt want to take the chance of someone seeing him. No, this was a sniping job. He spoke in a very low voice.

"Jules, go with Ricky to that wood, and snipe off the officers and engineers...Art and Jimmy, come with me for the main assault."

He waved the two with him and picked up his Garand, and, in a crouch, made a beeline towards the battery. When he was about a half-mile away, he stopped and waited for the other two.
Zaij took a surprised glance at Ricky, before snapping off a quick salute. With a short nod he start half running, half crouching towards the woods indicated by Jack.

When he could see artificial light, he slowed his progrss to a crawl. Glancing around, he spotted where he wanted to be and made a bolt for it. Pulling some branches closer, he put up hisrifle and looked through the scope. Things became much... clearer. It was funny that there was still so much activity at this time of night.

With a mental shrug, he trained his crosshair on an oberstleutenant...
Ricky followed Jules closely, and as the sniper set up his shots Ricky quickly spoke. "Ok I'll cover us incase they see your muzzle flare and give chase. Jules gave what seemed like a sigh, but Rick completely missed it as he went into ready mode for combat. A low whimper sounded from the mexican similar to a dog waiting for a treat, and a facial twitch quickly developed. Setting his sights into the direction the springfield was pointed he was now as lethal as a landmine, and just as quick to hit.
Shrugged, replacing the knife. He unslung the Thompson once more, edging his way forward in a very awkward, but quiet movement as he made his way from tree to tree. He preferred not to be ripped apart by an errant MG42 and hence stuck to the darkness and to stealth. The big bangs would happen later he recalled fondly, patting some of the explosives he carried with him. Oh yes......
Art crouches about five feet away at the left and back of Jack, with his submachine gun ready. He looked at Jack and nodded to let him know he was ready and awaiting orders.

At this point Art was nervous but in charge of himself, the adrenaline was pumping trough his veins and he was even worried that the germans could hear his heart beats.
He watched as the two others snuck off towards the wood, and looked at Art and Jimmy. He whispered.

"Jim, go 30 paces to the left, art, same to the right. Move forward until your within about a quarter mile. I will fire the first shot. After I've spent my clip, Jim opens fire. I move in, art right behind me. Soon as you spend your clip, follow. When the fire stops, Art opens up. By the time he's spent, we'll be in the trench. Got it? Good. Go!"

Towers spun around and moved forward to another fallen tree. He rested his Garand on it. He placed his free hand on top of it to keep it steady, and toon aim. Without moving his head, he looked at both Art and Jim, and saw they were in position. He took a deep breath and aimed at an officer. He fired his first shot, and unloaded his clip. The enemy were running around, searching for weapons, and he heard the sniper and carbine fire from the wood. He began to run quickly in a half crouch, and heard the Thompson fire to his left. He grabbed a magazine from a pouch and loaded his gun.
The oberstleutenants face vanished in a puff of red mist. His rifle moved, scope trained on the face of a young engineer, who was staring at the officer in shock. His stare didn't last another 3 seconds. Move on. The scope found a... Jim? Move on.

Julian's rifle fired again and again. His clip was dry. Time to move on. He got up and looked around for Ricky. Where the hell had he gotten to? Oh well. Time to relocate. Jules set off at a trot to find a new location.
OOC- but you said to go with jules. I went with jules. what did i do wrong.

IC-Whiles Jules was firing Ric had taken position in a small copse of brush in an opportune area to knock out those that would give chase. The first man to come running was a german soldier who was probably on guard duty nearby. Not that it mattered because he went down immediately in a snap of three bullets from Ric's .45.

In order to keep his trap set, the body was quickly hidden in the bushes, and for the moment Ricky armed himself with the Shmeisser SMG as he set his rifle to the side.
Once again Ric became the taut spring ready for movement to set it off. The next german to pass through here wouldn't be a happy one.....
After ratcheting the cocking mechanism, Jimmy quickly sprayed fire across the path before him, taking two conveniently close privates down to the hell they reserved for Nazis. He waited for Towers to move forward as he trained the THompson on the entrance of a nearer building, mowing down any fools who decided to run out and join the party.

"Any time you feel like moving up..." He murmured, ducking under the ping of Gewehr rifle shots nearby. Horrible aim he supposed, but what did you expect when one was complacent in victory?
Art got in position just in time to let Jimmy move under the cover of his SMG.

Art starts the fire and takes down two enemy soldiers that were stupid enough to rise their heads while he was firing, the others layed down to not get hit by his fire. Jimmy and Towers were in the trench by the time that Art emptied his magazine, so he reached them, now under their covering fire.

Art lands in the trench and reloads his gun at the same time he says "Got here. What's next?"
He hopped into the trench and smashed the butt of his rifle against the temple of a still struggling soldier. He Looked at Jim.

"Sabatoge that gun, then wait until Ric and Jules catch up, and follow us."

He turned to Art, and motioned for him to follow. He lead the way down the trench until they reached a small door, leading into a barracks. He took out a grenade.

"You open, I throw."

Art opened the door and Jack ripped out the pin and threw it in. The door closed, and voices were heard, then a few yells, and the explosion. Jack kicked the door down and pointed his gun around. He put one soldier who was still alive out of his misery, and then picked up a genrade to replace the one he lost. He slung his Garand on his back and drew his Colt, opening the door to the next room. He quickly pointed the gun around and noticed a radio. He looked at Art.

"Shoot that out."

He went to the next door. He quietly opened it to see outside. There were about a score of Germans and another artillery piece, and that was it. He could see no other troops for the rest of the way. He was sure there was about two more lines of resistance, but he could see none from here. He closed the door and looked at Art.

"We'll wait for the others here."
Satisfied for the time being that the area was clear Ricl dropped the shmeisser and picked up his carbine. A quick dash through 150 yards of forest followed by a small shootout with a german mechanic got him to the towers. As he was backed against a wall for protection a huge explosion ripped the bricks apart behind him, but fortunately he was not hurt.

A quick smile. Rick was now where he was supposed to be with his team.

"Hey Art. Jimmy. Jules. Any of you in there?"
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