If I typed the console command: setgs imaxcharacterlevel 30 into my console I assume I correctly set my characters max level to 30.
The question I have for you is: When I reach level 20 will I continue to advance to 21 and when I ding to level 21 I'll be able to advance normally (with regard to skill points, perk advancement, etc.)
I assume the new max is 30 and the game will continue to allow me to accumulate XP and thus advance to level 30.
I ask this question because I saw a leveling mod that allows me and thought why would I need such a mod when I can simply alter the max level myself without the risk of a bug or whatnot the mod might impose.
The question I have for you is: When I reach level 20 will I continue to advance to 21 and when I ding to level 21 I'll be able to advance normally (with regard to skill points, perk advancement, etc.)
I assume the new max is 30 and the game will continue to allow me to accumulate XP and thus advance to level 30.
I ask this question because I saw a leveling mod that allows me and thought why would I need such a mod when I can simply alter the max level myself without the risk of a bug or whatnot the mod might impose.