Well I think everyone is for this FanFic Contest so without further addo I'd like to start the post for nominations. Anyone have any ideas on what Fics should make it?
Requiem, by 8ball
Ash, by el_prez
Last of His Kind, A Story of Rage, by Dom Devore
A Philosopher in the Wasteland, by SkyNet
The Plan of a Master, by True Raven
Skag: Diary of an NPC, by Yamu
Er, I think thats everything! Thats what I got off the top of my head. I'll add more if I think of em'.
Now wait a sec I think I forgot something in my post. What could I have forgotten hmmmmm. ::Snaps fingers:: Oh yes my nominations! They are as follows, in no particular order:
Skag: Diary of an NPC by Yamu
ASH by el_Prez
Aftermath by SlinkyAvenger
The Last of His Kind: A Story of Rage by Dom Devore
A Philosopher in the Wasteland by SkyNet
Ok, Before we start i have another suggestion. Give the suthors some time to do something with their Fan Fics. Wait until Dom has had a chance to end his and Slinky too. This may take a while but it think it'll be worth it. And you forgot my fan Fiuc. Anyway i think that we shouldn't have to chose candidates but the candidates chose themselves. If you want a chance to win or the chance to have some fun, You enter a fan fic. If you don't yopu stay the hell away from the board (because that way you can't have fun). Anyway i want to put on the last touches to Exploits of Fang before i enter that (making it much better)
Ahh my nominations well here goes
Everything on the board if the suthor comes and posts it.
Post anytime from now onwards but if everybody waits to place their vote until everyone gives the all clear that they're done. Ohh and somebody e-mail Dom and tell him aout the contest. If nobody else volunteeers i will. Further suggestion/nominations welcome
Speaking for my own fic, Aftermath won't be finished for eh...a little while, hee hee hee. Besides, based on the quality of many of the fics on this board, I don't think it's necessary to wait until they are finished.
And we are just choosing 'canidates' as you say so there is a more specific way of voting. Keeping things organized and all that.
Well i've just finished Expoits of Fang. Now all it needs is a little polishing up in a couple of parts and i'm ready. Of course i don't really stand a chance but it'll be fun entering and more fun reading the candidates. By the way i advetised us on the general forum for potential voters.
Mua-hahaha! Back to my old 'flood the boards' tricks!
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 09:12PM (GMT)[p]Er, hehe, anyway...
Since Fang nominated _everyone_, what do you say I go through and make a list of fics to vote from? I reccomend the list include mostly current authors, say within the first few arhived pages. It seems kind of pointless to put someone on if they won't be around to accept an award, ya know? I could post the list at my Archive (and here) for easy access.
I think the only thing we really need to hammer out is the voting process...It would be nice if it could be anynymous, you know? I was thinking of putting up an HTML Gear poll on my site, listing all the authors, and setting it to one vote per ISP. check out the idea at: http://slinkyavenger.iwarp.com/archive/archivemain.htm
I am being to organized? Hee hee hee, all this free time makes me eager to do something
Well evrey body knows my favourite Fan Fic anyway. You know the one i said was my favourite in Slinky's guestbook on her site. I suppose i'm not all that bothered about it. Get it working and i'm with you.