Could Mister Burke be an Enclave agent?


Still Mildly Glowing
Not much is ever revealed about him. His goal of wiping out a town filled with irradiated criminals sounds pretty enclavish. Yes i know tenpenny says burke is working for him, but its pretty strongly implied that burke is in control.
That sounds really pointless. Think about it, the Enclave already plans to wipe out the capital wasteland through a more effective (and clean, for them) plan, they don't need to over irradiate an area to do something that is going to happen anyway, from their point of view.
Burke was working for Tenpenny 100%. If you help the ghouls kill Tenpenny Burke will work for Roy Phillips. If he was a Enclave agent I SERIOUSLY doubt he would allow himself to be employed by a ghoul.
Alesia said:
Burke was working for Tenpenny 100%. If you help the ghouls kill Tenpenny Burke will work for Roy Phillips.

How can those both be true?

Also it seems clear that Burke doesnt work for anyone at tenpenny tower, hes just using the owner of tenpenny towers for his own purposes. Im sure the enclave doesnt mind using ghouls to further their goals.
BonusWaffle said:
Alesia said:
Burke was working for Tenpenny 100%. If you help the ghouls kill Tenpenny Burke will work for Roy Phillips.

How can those both be true?

Also it seems clear that Burke doesnt work for anyone at tenpenny tower, hes just using the owner of tenpenny towers for his own purposes. Im sure the enclave doesnt mind using ghouls to further their goals.
Not to be an A-hole but I'm not sure you get the point of the enclave's motives. What was the first fallout game you played?
pyroD said:
Not to be an A-hole but I'm not sure you get the point of the enclave's motives. What was the first fallout game you played?

The motive, you're right, but they don't mind using mutants. Remember they consider mutants all of the people in the wasteland in Fallout 2, and that doesn't stop them from trading with New Reno to meet their goals. That doesn't change the fact they intend on killing them afterwards, when they release the modified FEV.

Anyway, Burke as an Enclave agent wouldn't make sense because of a simple fact: if they do take the time to detonate a nuke just to erase a small settlement like Megaton, which isn't exactly powerful, while doing nothing to destroy Tenpenny Tower, which have a better organized (and armed) security force. A bit pointless. A little bit too pointless, if we consider that: a) they get nothing of it that helps their bigger plan and b) that within their bigger plan, killing both settlement's population is implied without an extra effort. Remember, they'd rather get killed by drinking water, why bother?
Oppen said:
Burke as an Enclave agent wouldn't make sense because of a simple fact: if they do take the time to detonate a nuke just to erase a small settlement like Megaton, which isn't exactly powerful, while doing nothing to destroy Tenpenny Tower, which have a better organized (and armed) security force. A bit pointless. A little bit too pointless, if we consider that: a) they get nothing of it that helps their bigger plan and b) that within their bigger plan, killing both settlement's population is implied without an extra effort. Remember, they'd rather get killed by drinking water, why bother?

Well I guess your right, it doesnt really have any direct effect on their main plan for wiping out mutants, but it could be kind of a contingency plan or a plan from before they had even thought of using the modified fev (they didnt even have a way to distribute it before they heard about project purity being worked on again on did they?) The most wealthy community in the wasteland complete with security force seems like a good place to base your clandestine operations. Im still gonna go with burke as enclave. Its the only thing that makes any sense unless he really is just a creepy guy in a suit that likes to blow things up.
He's just working for Tempenny, why we should object it? If he is getting his caps, I see no problems.
Lone Warderer can potentially blow city, not Burke, and we should ask, if Tempenny is creepy guy or what? But his character design is rather without sense, like most of F3.
BonusWaffle said:
1.) Im still gonna go with burke as enclave.

2.) Its the only thing that makes any sense unless he really is just a creepy guy in a suit that likes to blow things up.

1.) With all the holes and inconsistencies in FO3, I'd be inclined to say whatever you think is true is probably true, unless directly stated in game.

2.) The creepy guy that wants to blow stuff up is Tenpenny. Impression I got is he's an eccentric rich drunk that just wanted to see a nuke blow up.
Alesia said:
2.) The creepy guy that wants to blow stuff up is Tenpenny. Impression I got is he's an eccentric rich drunk that just wanted to see a nuke blow up.

I dont think so. if you talk to him more about it it seems like burke was really behind it. Tenpennys just a rich idiot whos resources burke uses. But i guess your right about fallout 3 not really being worth looking into. I thought there might be something deeper here, but if they cant even explain what makes tenpenny so rich, then theres no reason to expect them to write a backstory with any sense
If the Enclave deaing with bomb, they will use the bomb to erase enemy or deativate it and gain some good reputation to use megaton's people or disassemble the bomb to gain some useful material. not just blowing little shithole. If they don't want to gain some good reputation, why they use radio?

Well. I'd better stop thinking about Fo3 since there's lots of logic hole.
There's more evidence of Burke being a frikkin' Frumentarii than there is for him being an Enclave agent.

Burke dresses a bit like Vulpes, he uses underhanded measures to destroy his foes, etc. Is trying to destroy Megaton to make a "nobler future" the same way the Legion does. He has more power than the contract with Tenpenny states (even so much that he can punish the Always Evil Talon Company as though they were just another raider tribe).
DevilTakeMe said:
There's more evidence of Burke being a frikkin' Frumentarii than there is for him being an Enclave agent.

Burke dresses a bit like Vulpes, he uses underhanded measures to destroy his foes, etc. Is trying to destroy Megaton to make a "nobler future" the same way the Legion does. He has more power than the contract with Tenpenny states (even so much that he can punish the Always Evil Talon Company as though they were just another raider tribe).

That... makes a lot of sense. Now im kinda hoping the legion plays some part in fallout 4. I dont know exactly how far east their territory is, but if the bos can get there then why not?
Legion territory ends somewhere around CO and NM. I doubt a single frumentarii is going to travel 1500 miles from his home territory to blow up a town that has zero economic or strategic value, especially during a time when most if not all Legion fighting forces were busy with the NCR in the first battle of Hoover Dam.

It wouldn't be their style anyway. If the Legion was interested in Megaton, why wipe it out with a nuke? Caesars style would be to ass rape them with a shit ton of soldiers, kill the weak, and those who were strong (like Jericho) would be trained as legionaries while the women were enslaved.