Countdown to Armageddon


First time out of the vault
Here is something I stumbled upon recently. It describes the effects of a nuclear detonation in a urban environment. A example has been based on a 1 MT warhead detonating 1 mile above St.Pauls cathedral in central London. If it has already come up somewhere here then I apologize:



Wow. That's pretty educational actually.

They should have added some scary or creepy music like they usually do in Soviet-made short documentaries (at least the ones I watched) to make it look even more frightening then it already is.
Your welcome.

Here is another interesting piece of filmmaking. This time it is not a typical but rather a fictious documentary: it deals with a alternative history where to collapse of the Soviet Union led to a full-scale war. The gimmick is that the movie is stitched together from real world footage, which range from the actual collapse to the Chechen/Gulf wars.

I will post the first part, the rest are given in the youtube sidebar:

Ok. Now that the whole Wasteland 2 Kickstarter fund-raising drama has passed its time for another entry to this topic. This time I would like to link to a movie that the user Stabwound from RPGcodex brought out. It is called Aftermatch:population Zero and is focused on studying how nature would react if we were all exterminated (or "vanished" as the film politely puts it :) ). Not directly related to nuclear war but a interesting study on how the erosion of structures takes place even when they survive intact.

First the courtesy link to the topic of the RPGcodex where the movie surfaced:

And the movie itself:


The second movie is yet a 1984 british Cold War era production. Since this is NMA I am pretty sure a lot have seen or heard of this. It's called "Threads" and is a drama that shows the fate of a family in surviving the nuclear war and its immediate aftermatch. What makes this on interesting is that in addition to the character development the film uses transition-scenes that describe general effects of the war on the population. For example: "since the survivors of the war grow increasingly weak from the lack of food and since the healthcare system has completely collapsed, a lot of the corpses are left lying and not buried. Coupled with weakened immune system of the survivors epidemics brake out."

Here is the first part of the movie:


The war itself starts at the fifth part:

They used to show those (well the first one at least) to kids at school back in the day. No hiding under desks to survive atomic bombs for the limeys, nope, you're all going to die. :V