Couple of problems...


First time out of the vault
Hello fellow vault dwellers, ghouls, mutants, etc. :)

I have recently started playing the game again, and what I basically want to do is make Miria useful, or alternatively less likely to get killed.

I have found out about several ways to make her more powerful, but can't go fully with any of them. More details follow...

1. I have first tried editing party.txt and using some of the existing character's leveling scheme as her own to level her up. That worked, but with armor she looks like a clone of every other female NPC. So I went on and decompiled, reading original mcmiria.ssl found relevant lines that change her looks according to armor, commented them out in and tried to recompile it. But FSE gave me single error without any explanation of what it is (and I can't find any logs with it, either). I have also tried compiling stock scripts for test, but it continues to give me an en error, without explanation.

2. Failing the first thing, I went on and tried to edit my save game and change her max HP (to 1000; still will be marginally useful in combat, but at least won't die from every other shot or occasional trap). But there are more problems there. Namely, I'm not sure in which of the files are stats of my party members saved, but I'm guessing in either SAVE.DAT or in proto/critters files. I did identify that .pro files are actually just gzips and extracted couple of them, but the thing is that I don't know their structure and therefor don't know which addresses should I modify when hex editing them (if they do indeed hold my party member stats).

3. Again failing, I searched for already available mods, but the one I found ( doesn't *seem* to like killap's Restoration mod 1.2, which I use. Or so I think, I'm not entirely sure.

And here I am. I'll be happy with any kind of help you can provide and am fine with any of the three solutions. If needed, I'm a professional web and Java developer, so I'll be glad to provide help in exchange for yours on this problem.

Thanks ahead :)
Well, I continued poking around SAVE.DAT. I managed to find my own stats, and successfully change them, but it seems that it doesn't contain my party member stats. I went as far as to replace every occurrence of 00 23 (35, her max HP) with 03 E8 (1000; judging by how my char's HP is stored, it seems it's at least 2 bytes large), but that made no difference whatsoever.
So, I went back to proto/critters files in savegame folder.
I'm not sure how objects and their prototypes are associated, so I analyzed Levelup contents from NPC_Enhancement_Miria and found correlation between the ID in the first brackets in pro_crit.msg and .pro files. Therefor I opened my pro_crit.msg and found that her proto file seems to be I then deflated it, opened and checked it out. But there's no sign of her HP value (23 hex).
And I'm stuck again :P
Any ideas?
Well, actually I was able to find address of the HP in proto file (by just randomly changing non zero values until I got result :P), it's 0000004E.
Set her health to 999 and now she makes for a good canon fodder, heh.
I gave her Marcus last pid :D
Not need armor for a long time.
Give her a knife or a sledge and she's doing fine. Melee Damage 17, 13 AP's
After give her armour her appearence change in a wilder wenn put it off, Suliks sis :D