Crap, serious bug


Mildly Dipped
I started replaying Tactics a few days ago. I passed through all the missions until I got assigned Preoria and Macomb. I wanted to pick up the Devilthorn Coat from the Bazar Day encounter I found before the Rock Falls mission since my thief's skill was at 100. I went, I swiped the armor to go sell it at the bunker and here is where my problem started. I can't exit the Bazar Day encounter. The exit grid appears but even though ALL the characters are standing IN the exit grid, I can't get out the map!! This really sucks since my only save before this was before the Rock Falls mission. Can anybody provide some assitance?
Hmmm, it is the somewhat common "exit grid" bug. The only solution is to reload your previous save. Sorry, remember to save often and don't save in special encounters.