Crits against PC determined by EN


I should set a cutom tite
I had this idea:

The critical table against the Player Character is determined by his Endurance - if you have low Endurance, criticals against you are much more fatal (even the instakill ones - at EN 1), and if you have higher Endurance, crits against you are much more lighter. Critical chance against you remains the same.

Is this even possible to do? If yes, would it be easy to do?
Blackened said:
I had this idea:

The critical table against the Player Character is determined by his Endurance - if you have low Endurance, criticals against you are much more fatal (even the instakill ones - at EN 1), and if you have higher Endurance, crits against you are much more lighter. Critical chance against you remains the same.

Is this even possible to do? If yes, would it be easy to do?

What would be the goal with this? Isn't it already covered in that a character with high endurance has more hitpoints, so damage against them has less impact than it would a character with low endurance and, thus, lowered max hitpoints?

Just seems cruel to doubly screw over a low en character...
Idiotfool said:
Isn't it already covered in that a character with high endurance has more hitpoints, so damage against them has less impact than it would a character with low endurance and, thus, lowered max hitpoints?

Just seems cruel to doubly screw over a low en character...
1. Endurance's effect on HP isn't high enough to be useful. The HP you have with 4 EN are more than enough. Maybe 6 for a melee character.
2. While 1. can be fixed just by changing the formula for HP, it would feel better if the player gets some really nasty crits when at low EN. EN would still be not useful enough, but if the aim is to balance it out, then the formula should be changed too.
Not Lost Hope said:
Critical hits on the player already check for EN and LK :)
Yes, I know. But I wanted to make it work like Better Criticals - your opponents are less likely to get a crit against you that is lower on the table, the more EN you have.

Or maybe use different critical hit tables for players with different EN, if that is possible.
the only way to do that: complete re-write of the combat code,download my custom perks mod and take a look at the hs_combatdamage.ssl,it is pretty complicated,welcome to use the code for any mod you want,the perks i wrote(the reason i wrote the script)will not be effective if the player does not have the perk(s),but it completely changes combat damage

So it is possible, but it would require a huge amount of work, right?

Isn't there an easier option, like adding 10 different perks to every critter, all of them functioning in a way similar to Better Criticals, so that only one of them activates, depending on the PC's Endurance? Something like this:

Perk 1 adds +8 to critical rolls and activates only if the target is PC and has 1 Endurance;
Perk 7 adds -4 to critical rolls and activates only if the target is PC and has 7 Endurance.

"Complete re-write of the combat code" would take weeks of work, right?
You would have to ask timeslip about functions of adding #'s to the crit table roll,yep took me in maybe 2 months?dont remember

If you only want critical hits against the PC to be affected, I would suggest a global script that either loops over all critters on the map and set_critter_extra_stat's their improved criticals stat according the the players stats, or that edits the critical table to change the effects of each type of hit. Shouldn't be hard to do at all.

Changing critical hits against npcs based on their stats would be far more complicated, and I'm not sure the npcs all have sane base stats anyway.