Custom Entities

lil mac

First time out of the vault
Is there a way to embed custom entities into a .mis file so that I don't need to supply the entities seperate? I believe I have seen this before but I am not entirely sure. I really appreciate any help that you can give me. I mainly want to do this because people that play multiplayer have difficulty finding the place to put the entities.

lil mac said:
Is there a way to embed custom entities into a .mis file so that I don't need to supply the entities seperate?
Just add them to the map as normal, and then don't include them with the map, as simple as that. Though any inventories will need to be added via the level editor not the entity editor.

No guarantees that it won't cause problems and throw the game out of sync.

lil mac said:
I mainly want to do this because people that play multiplayer have difficulty finding the place to put the entities.
As long as you give clear installation instructions or include the path when you zip them, then what's the problem? Oh right we're talking FOT multiplayer players, nuff said. :wink: