Customizing the interface: how is it done?


Vault Dweller
I always thought the interface was pretty much still unchangeable, but then I came across Fallout of Nevada which has this really cool extension of the interface; how did they do this?

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Okay, based on the FoN scripts I've figured out how to do these things, but I still have a couple of things I can't figure out. I'd like to double the AP costs/count, but this of course gets you into trouble with the interface because the AP cost numbers in the weapon boxes only go up to 9 and the AP lights to 10. So what I'd like to do is overlay my own numbers/lights over the original interface, which you can do, but the moment you click on the interface, they disappear (I guess the old interface then gets pulled to the foreground or something). Has anybody figured something out to get around this (especially the AP cost numbers, the lights aren't really essential I guess)?
No workaround. I could only solved this with refreshing my interface element as fast as possible with a global script. Also I've changed the original interface graphic and added my custom stuff right into it, so you won't see the graphic refreshing. It was quite hard to get right, though... took me a long time to match the frm colors with the colors from the pcx graphic.
No workaround. I could only solved this with refreshing my interface element as fast as possible with a global script. Also I've changed the original interface graphic and added my custom stuff right into it, so you won't see the graphic refreshing. It was quite hard to get right, though... took me a long time to match the frm colors with the colors from the pcx graphic.

Ah, thanks for the info. I guess you did something like this?

 if (get_mouse_buttons == 1 or get_mouse_buttons == 2) and get_window_under_mouse == 2 then begin


That should work ok I guess. I'll give it a try anyway.
There probably isn't some wonderful tutorial somewhere on adding your own interface elements, right? Because going by FoN alone (couldn't find the mod you're doing your interface changes, Lexx, or is it the one that's still on hold?), I can't figure out how to simply put a graphic (in this case, an AP cost number) somewhere on the existing interface (or anywhere else); is it true that you can only use createWin, etc. to place a graphic that automatically stretches to the width of the screen or use AddButton, etc. to place a clickable graphic that automatically crops within that window? Surely there has to be some way to just put a graphic somewhere without it resizing, right?

edit: nevermind, failed to realize that there's options to keep the window for stretching; so I guess that's the one I want for my AP counter?
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