DaC Forums

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
There was some.....unpleasentness a while ago with me. I was going thru a hard time at school, and was kind of an idiot on the forums.

How is it doing now?

Who exactly were you over there?

I've been registered over there since May and became active in it about a month before the end of The Wastelands. I still go over to visit now, just not as often anymore. The majority of the annoying spammers and flamers have left out of boredom and the old timers are still up to their usual tricks. It's a bit tamer now I guess.
CBR, about a year ago.
Things did not go well. I was banned and had a bit of a breakdown.
Do a search for me, youll see the topic. Not my finest hour.
Ok, I'm guessing you're going to laugh at me saying "Ha ha! The newb knows not Kubrick!" But I will brave the question, and ask anyway. What, may I ask, is Kubrick?
Paladin Solo said:
What, may I ask, is Kubrick?
Googlize, my friend, googlize...


Anyways, back on topic.

DAC seems to be going okay. CCR, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Only about 400 or so of your 1200+ posts over there are actually still around. I don't think many people would recognize you as being a spammer or whatever after the ones they've been getting lately.