
jero cvmi

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
So has anyone heard/played this new MMO
I'm not a fan of MMO's, but it looks like a pretty professional job for an indie studio.
Also i'm tempted to send them a bio since they're close where i live.
I'm ambivalent about Darkfall. On one hand, it isn't often that you see a hardcore PvP MMO with full loot and focus on skills as opposed to equipment. On the other hand, first-person action-oriented combat is a major turn-off for me and seems a bit like a betrayal of Darkfall's core principles of focusing on a niche.

Then there are all those creepy anthropomorphic animal races. I don't see how encouraging rampant furfaggotry is conducive to the basic goal of creating a hardcore player environment, unless Darkfall designers have a different sort of "hardcore" in mind.
Darkfall has been a long time coming. It's been in production even longer than Brad McQuaids defunct Vangaurd:SOH.

From what I've seen Darkfall will be MUCH better than most MMORPG's to date. The question remains, will it ever be released?
Register and Play Darkfall

zag said:
from what i saw on their forums earlier, it's released in a limited fashion for now.
queston answered.

What the... Tell you what, you and I race to download the dark fall client and lets see who gets in game first... I'm not getting my hopes up, that's happened a few times all ready with Dark Fall but it definitely looks promising.

Torrent: http://www.eu1.darkfallonline.com/dl/DarkfallFull/Darkfall Install.torrent (pulling a steady 600 to 700K down)

Account Sign up: https://www.darkfallonline.com/accounts/f/default.php?pname=Homepage (You register and pay for your account here when the store is open)

Edit: I've finished dling the 8 gig client... now, to poke at the shop every few hours in the hopes that its open...
Holy shit its finally done?!?!

I remember people talking about what this game will be like back when I played WoW on the Onyxia server. That was like back before we even knew about Burning Crusade and well... wow that's a long time ago.

I might have to check this one out.
On the youtube videos it doesn't look that good, but ok this can also be because I don't like the setting...
Re: Register and Play Darkfall

Maphusio said:
What the... Tell you what, you and I race to download the dark fall client and lets see who gets in game first

hmmm i dont think i'm up for the race for now, i think i'll DL it later today.
i did a little research on their forums (can you believe the MMO crowd? 3000000+ posts and you have to scavenge through tons of bullshit to get your info) and i found the requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP, Vista
Processor: 2.5GHz Pentium 4, or equivalent
RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista
Graphics Card: 128MB PixelShader 2.0 support
Hard Drive Space: 12 GB Free Space Minimum

there's a chance i might be able to run it.

i hate the setting too, and the only "MMO" i've played is... Fallout Online but if the game's good i think i can overlook both.
the gameplay looks way more challenging than WoW does.
Re: Register and Play Darkfall

zag said:
Maphusio said:
What the... Tell you what, you and I race to download the dark fall client and lets see who gets in game first

hmmm i dont think i'm up for the race for now, i think i'll DL it later today.
i did a little research on their forums (can you believe the MMO crowd? 3000000+ posts and you have to scavenge through tons of bullshit to get your info) and i found the requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP, Vista
Processor: 2.5GHz Pentium 4, or equivalent
RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista
Graphics Card: 128MB PixelShader 2.0 support
Hard Drive Space: 12 GB Free Space Minimum

there's a chance i might be able to run it.

i hate the setting too, and the only "MMO" i've played is... Fallout Online but if the game's good i think i can overlook both.
the gameplay looks way more challenging than WoW does.

err since when was FOOL ready to even beta?

Darfall's attraction seems to be how much it seems to resemble Ultima on-line. Sucks that you don't meet the reqs but I imagine that one would be fine if they don't quite add up to them.
Re: Register and Play Darkfall

Maphusio said:
err since when was FOOL ready to even beta?
I'm talking about the russian FOnline open beta last december. I loved that one; there too was unrestricted player vs. player killing and looting, which caused a nice warm feeling of doom and chaos.
Darfall's attraction seems to be how much it seems to resemble Ultima on-line. Sucks that you don't meet the reqs.

Oh but the pleasant surprise is that i do. Barely on the desktop, and easily on the laptop.

I just have to work for a living, too, so i can't download it for now.

So did the store open? did you log in the game?
Re: Register and Play Darkfall

zag said:
Maphusio said:
err since when was FOOL ready to even beta?
I'm talking about the russian FOnline open beta last december. I loved that one; there too was unrestricted player vs. player killing and looting, which caused a nice warm feeling of doom and chaos.
Darfall's attraction seems to be how much it seems to resemble Ultima on-line. Sucks that you don't meet the reqs.

Oh but the pleasant surprise is that i do. Barely on the desktop, and easily on the laptop.

I just have to work for a living, too, so i can't download it for now.

So did the store open? did you log in the game?

Wicked, I never read about that Fallout On-line deal.

There has been such a high demand for the game that both the game servers and order web-site have been SLAMMED. As a result they only open the store to purchase the game for a couple hours each day. By the sounds of things, its open at random intervals but I have read a few threads that indicate its been opening around 10 or 11am PST.

I'll camp the store at my work (they just lock me and some other technicians in a room so its not like anyone will know or care). I'll keep everyone posted if I am successful and what in game and gameplay is like... I'm still amazed I downloaded the 8 gig client in 3.75 hrs!
Re: Register and Play Darkfall

zag said:
Maphusio said:
I'll camp the store at my work

careful; they announced that they'll ban IPs for persistent refreshing of the store webpage.

Meh, I work for an ISP so I can handle getting around that :)

The order page is taking some time to load and its only 8:30am... *ponders*
Lexx said:
On the youtube videos it doesn't look that good, but ok this can also be because I don't like the setting...
the point was actually that it looked like utter horse shit with extremely retarded gameplay.
SuAside said:
Lexx said:
On the youtube videos it doesn't look that good, but ok this can also be because I don't like the setting...
the point was actually that it looked like utter horse shit with extremely retarded gameplay.

I agree that video did look like a pile of poo. But keep in mind that the video was taken during close beta (ongoing for years now) and not the final product.

I don't expect all of the kinks to get worked out right away but I do see the value for a very interesting MMORPG. I've seen some other video's that don't look as choppy as that one and where the collision grid was functioning properly

Then again, collision gird errors can be a result of lag caused by lack of computer performance or lack of bandwidth. That video also mentioned that they were conducing some sort of exploit, not sure if that factored in.

Edit: also it looks like if I'm lucky, more copies will be available early next week. They are not opening the store until they've eliminated load issues. fun times.

2nd Edit: After much deliberation and reflection upon the data available. this game is not worth anyones time right now. AV has yet to release the game. They have not updated the community since early last week... it seems Darkfall is not going to be something worth playing.

My bet is on Mortal Online.