Day/Night Cycle


First time out of the vault
I'm new here so Hi to everyone :)

I wonder if there are also other people who think that day/night cycle is way too short in F3. Should be much longer, more like it is in STALKER. Maybe 2 hrs of real time, so whole 24 hrs would take 4 hrs of real time. What you think? Does anyone know if someone is working on such mod?
It may be that :) Will try later (I'm at work)...

Do I need to do anything else when editing Fallout.ini? Any flags confirming default settings overwriting?
No I don't think so... Just edit the one in your documents folder not the one in fo3. I'm also at work so i can't test either :s
According to nexusforums:

Open console > set timescale to 1

haven't test it though. There is no mod for this yet, so you have to you the console (^)
Assuming timescale = 1 as game default? Or as real time reference. Will check this out later anyway. Hope that will help as current time scale is unacceptable for me
Oh sorry. I do not know about the base value but if you set timescale to 1 1 hour in real time will take up 1 hour in the game. A bit of experimenting should give you the value you desire. Sorry my knowledge about the console is very limited, but I do believe we had a thread about it here somewhere..
In my experience with other games timescale controls how fast the game runs... so put it above 1 and everything goes turbo, below 1 and it becomes slowmo.
default in the game is timescale 30 I believe. To have a fun game you want to set it to 2 or 4. That would be "set timescale to 2" in the console.

That means every real minute 2 minutes pass in the game.

Default 30, is 2 seconds = 1 minute I believe.
Its the exact same variable like in Oblivion, so yes, it is 'set timescale to x' in the game. Since i hate running through the world at night a value of '5' is fine for me. This means 1 RL hour = 5 IG hours. I think a value of 8 or 10 should be good for most players.