Dead Money Agi Exploit.

CazadorVault RED Engineer

First time out of the vault
As I'm sure many of you are well aware, there is an exploit in dead money where if you were an agi shirt and then turn it in, the stat stays on you permanently. I have a few questions about this.

1. Can it be used to make your AGI go above ten?

2. Considering that this exploit exists, how low can you keep your Agi in Very Hard AND Hardcore mode and still live to tell the tale? I mean, theoretically, you could put it at one, but I can only see alot of trouble (and outright heartache) doing such a thing, even w/ high endurance, luck, int (for skill ranks), etc. And this would include buffing yout your stats w/ implants, the 32 perks exploit via the starting zone scorpion trick, etc. XS Even if you then used the same said trick to max your lvl out AGAIN before exploring the world and bought all the aforementioned implants, it'd only raise your Agi to 2, which is still a very bad score. (even if there are ways to get a ton of cash w/ little risk via exploit or the Atomic Wrangler casino run). Why, if I even got all 8 companions via the Veronica twink to protect me, I'd still have to watch them closely to make sure they don't die, even w/ top of the line gear or another exploit allowing you to equip them all w/ body armor. X-/

I could use advice from more experienced players on this issue. X(
Just don't use exploits. New Vegas is easy enough as it is without cheating.
Courier said:
Just don't use exploits. New Vegas is easy enough as it is without cheating.

Even on Very Hard AND Hardcore holmes? :X BTW, I thank you for replying, could you possibly point me to a thread where ppl talk about stat distribution? :? I still want to download the pre-orders tho, new toys are always nice. X(
CazadorVault RED Engineer said:
Courier said:
Just don't use exploits. New Vegas is easy enough as it is without cheating.

Even on Very Hard AND Hardcore holmes?

Yes. Any decent build will get you through the whole game without problems.

If you really want to maximize the exploit drop AGI to one and use Unarmed/Meele as your fighting skill. That way the only drawback will be the total number of AP. Not a big deal, use Jet to compensate.
Its a cool glitch and I like being able to fire That Gun 7 times in VATS but Considering AGL doesn't effect running speed, Im not too impressed.