First time out of the vault

Hi there i just visited deadwind cavern after blobourne cave and silver peak mine and i found it quite easy.
The startegy i used was quite simple , lure deathclaws into the heavily boobied trapped entrace( with c4 , frag mines , pulse mines etc..) , making them criplled almost imediatly and then procedding to shoot my grenaude launcher until they were all crippled.
This is what you do to thin out their numbers and to clear any deathclaws in the entrance ( you cant really kill them in close range inside the cave , its almost impossible)
I killed the mother deathclaw with hit and run tactits such as hitting her in the head three ttimes while sneaking ( with a this machine rifle) , running towards the entrance until fallout new vegas stealth display changed from danger to caution , then i returned to finish the job..
Near the legendary deathclaw are three deathclaws if memory serves me right .
I used a missle launcher to tag the lot of them once , and then i started to run in direction to the entrance while turning back and poppingh one rocket or two to cripple them .
After that i used this machine to kill them off.
The legendary deathclaw is easy to beat since she is stuck to some invisible walls inside the cave i dont know why.
So thats how i went about going to dead wind cavern , level 33 and with combat armor.
Im rendering a video of this ordeal and i will post it here tomorrow if you are interested.
It was an amzing fight to say the least
Peace out , John
The startegy i used was quite simple , lure deathclaws into the heavily boobied trapped entrace( with c4 , frag mines , pulse mines etc..) , making them criplled almost imediatly and then procedding to shoot my grenaude launcher until they were all crippled.
This is what you do to thin out their numbers and to clear any deathclaws in the entrance ( you cant really kill them in close range inside the cave , its almost impossible)
I killed the mother deathclaw with hit and run tactits such as hitting her in the head three ttimes while sneaking ( with a this machine rifle) , running towards the entrance until fallout new vegas stealth display changed from danger to caution , then i returned to finish the job..
Near the legendary deathclaw are three deathclaws if memory serves me right .
I used a missle launcher to tag the lot of them once , and then i started to run in direction to the entrance while turning back and poppingh one rocket or two to cripple them .
After that i used this machine to kill them off.
The legendary deathclaw is easy to beat since she is stuck to some invisible walls inside the cave i dont know why.
So thats how i went about going to dead wind cavern , level 33 and with combat armor.
Im rendering a video of this ordeal and i will post it here tomorrow if you are interested.
It was an amzing fight to say the least
Peace out , John