Deathclaw render


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Staff member
Board Cop oTO
For the past weeks I've been working on a model of the deathclaw. Now I have come to a point where I dont know wether to continue or just stop. Textures.

Credits to Wooz: For helping me with anatomy and other various critique. Without him this would have gotten scrapped a long time ago.

I suck at textures so I post this to get some kind of motivation to learn it.


And heres a shot at textures:

ADD: A closer look at the arm and the hand:
Continue dude! Your model looks awesome! :D


Keep up the good work :P
Don't know why, but the model reminds me of Baby Sinclair:

Even though the model is way beyond my capacity to make, I still think it looks a little to evolved for a Deathclaw, almost man-like.
But heck, I'm totally into the idea of evolution amongst Deathclaws; it's actually a 'realistic' scenario, like the dinosaurs.

Good work!
Amazing stuff man ! respect on that work.
The only things bothers me is that skin is a bit more human like , and the legs look a bit skinny to carry such a huge body, otherwise its perfect ! love it.
I'm gonna have to side with Muhol on the skin. Make it more scaly looking. Other than that you've rendered something I wouldn't wanna meet in a dark alley, even if i had a pancor jackhammer and a pair of desert eagles!
Its great, only mistake is all covered by skin (i sugest different textures for many different parts like hornes)
It looks, a bit odd.
Like one of those fast concept drawings.

It would look better with some character like dirt, blood, maybe scales/hair of some type.
I would also hope to see this thing showing the weight proportions of its body in its stance and being more in a hunched/moving position.
Darker skin for different areas would do well also.
As said before the horns look a bit odd.
So do the facial features.
It is good though, just not what I would have thought a Deathclaw should look like.
Tannhauser said:
Though your texture needs more lipstick.
I think Im going for the not so gay deathclaw look. Very observant though :D

SuAside said:
send it to beth
I would be quite disappointed if this would hold high enough quality to make it into a game considering the time spent and previous knowledge. Fallout must be the bestest!

Zaron said:
Don't know why, but the model reminds me of Baby Sinclair
Darn :wink: Yeah they do look a little similar

Muhol said:
the legs look a bit skinny to carry such a huge body
I tried to reposition the body so it would look more natural for a body like that but simply failed due to high polycount. It's around 2,9 million polygons. Enough to make the computer crash on me.

Wooz said:
What, no credit for my reference pics and crits?
Ooops. Fixed.

Lich said:
Its great, only mistake is all covered by skin (i sugest different textures for many different parts like hornes)
Thanks! Well, as I said I haven't really taken any time to texture it yet so the skin applied here is a lot of cutting and pasting from the reference pics on nma = bad. I will have to redo that or let some other dude paint the textures if I ever want to go for something better.

Thanks everyone for giving great feedback!
monsharen said:
SuAside said:
send it to beth
I would be quite disappointed if this would hold high enough quality to make it into a game considering the time spent and previous knowledge. Fallout must be the bestest!
i know, but it'd still be a nice pointer for them ;)

(as suggested before you should make the skin darker like ingame.)
Yea! Its nice!
I see that profi read this forum too )))
May be you will think about clip with this beast? )
something scary and darkly....
For example killing of caravan by pack of Deathclow )))
Good work!!!!
And as always - WE NEED MORE )))
You are really GOOD! What about doing a Fallout 1 or 2 Power Armor next? :D Will you share your finished deathclaw model?